disability pension judgment

If the amended version of Rule 14  as  cited  by  the  respondents  is, accepted to be the Rule applicable in the present case, even then  the  onus, of proof shall lie on the employer-respondents in terms of Rule  9  and  not, the claimant and in case of any reasonable doubt the benefit  will  go  more, 24. The judgment of learned Single, 7. NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court has come to the defence of two disabled soldiers fighting for their dues after the Jaipur and Chandigarh Benches of the Armed Forces Tribunal rejected their claims of disability pension.In an order on 11 February, 2016, the apex body directed the government to release the disability pension to both, setting aside the decision of the tribunals. Debt Judgment and Social Security Benefits. However, if medical opinion holds, for reasons tobe stated  that, the disease could not have been detected on medical  examination, prior to acceptance for service, the disease will not be  deemed, (d).The question, whether a disability or death  resulting  from, disease is attributable to or aggravated by service or not, will, be decided as regards its medical aspects by a Medical Board  or, by the medical officer who  signs  the  Death  Certificate. service the Board is required to state the reason for the same. Although the Tribunal was notified during the proceedings which led to Judgment 3104 that the This  would  not  mean  that  his, condition has worsened during service, but only that it is worse, than was realized on enrolment in the army. As elaborated in Para 28 Both learned, Single Judge and  the  Division  Bench  held  that  it  was  not, mentioned at the time of  entering  to  army  service  that  the, respondent suffered from  Schizophrenia  and  therefore  it  was, attributable to army service. I have a judgement against me-can my social security disability pension be garnished from my bank (direct deposit) I LIVE IN TEX. As elaborated in Para 28 and 29 of the said judgment, the court has made it absolutely clear that ‘if a person at the time of entry into service was in sound physical and mental health and no entry of any disability exists in his record; then any disability occurring to the individual would be deemed to have occurred in service and would be attributed to and aggravated to military service’ and therefore such a person would be entitled to disability pension if it is 20 % or more. We are living on _____/month which comes from SSI and pension and disability payments. 33. pre-enrolment. shall be based on the following presumptions: a) member is presumed to have been in sound physical and mental condition, upon entering except as to physical disabilities noted or recorded  at, b) In the event of his subsequently  being  discharged  from  service  on, medical grounds any deterioration in his health which has taken  place, From Rule 5 we find that a general presumption is to be drawn  that  a, member is presumed to have been in sound physical and mental condition  upon, entering service except as to physical disabilities  noted  or  recorded  at, the time of entrance. not taken into consideration the relevant law while allowing  the  petition. pcsunioncr / February 24, ... disability discrimination occurs where the employer treats a worker unfavourably because of something arising in consequence of the worker’s disability, ... How new state pension changes affect you. (b)Certain  familial   and   hereditary   diseases,   e.g.. HAEMOPHILIA, CONGENTIAL SYPHILIS, HAEMOGIOBINOPATHY. After  perusal  of  the, aforesaid decision we find that Rule 14(a), 14(b) and 14(c) as  noticed  and, quoted therein are similar to Rule 14 as  published  by  the  Government  of, India and not Rule 14  as  quoted  by  the  respondents  in  their  counter-, affidavit. He has omitted to see  clauses  7(c)  of  Appendix-IIof  the. 3/7 In relation to the disability pension, the referring court observed that the statements made obiter dicta by this Court in judgment no. Learned  Single  Judge, by judgment dated 20th May, 2004 on observing  that  there  was  nothing  on, record to show that the appellant was suffering  from  any  disease  at  the, time of his initial recruitment in the Indian Army  held  that  the  disease. I Ex Recruit M Epeneth 14230427Y, I was enrolled in the year 31 July 1979 in the Corps of Signals and was discharged on 03 Sept 1980 as invalided out of service by medical board(FITS)NYD under category EEE, at that time I was treated as ESM and given the Discharge Book,My appeal for Disability pension was replied as NANA, at present I want to know whether I am eligible for pension as well an Ex service man please. service  conditions,  pre-and   post-service   history, verification of wound or injury,  corroboration  of  statements,  collecting, and weighing the value of  evidence,  and  in  some  instances,  matters  of, military law and dispute. Therefore, in terms of Regulation 173 of Pension Regulations for  the  Army, 1961 the appellant is  eligible  for  disability  pension. However,  if  medical  opinion  holds,  for, reasons to be stated that the  disease  could  not  have  been  detected  on, medical examination prior to acceptance for service, the  disease  will  not, 8. In case where it  is  established, that the military service did not contribute  to  the  onset  or, adversely affect the course disease,  entitlement  for  casualty, pensionary award will not be conceded even if  the  disease  has, Rule 14(c)- Cases in which it is established that conditions  of, military service did not determine or contribute to the onset of, the  disease  but,  influenced  the  subsequent  course  of  the. 'Government Committed to One Rank One Pension,' Sa... ONE RANK ONE PENSION - PROTEST BY WG CDR SURESH KA... Don’t mess with the Armed forces, warns Wing Comma... One Rank One Pension on its Way, But Can't Specify... TIMES NOW TV DEBATE ON ONE RANK ONE PENSION - WITH... One rank, one pension: Army veterans running out o... Manohar Parrikar rules out Army deployment in anti... 'One Rank, One Pension' fails to find a place in M... All about One Rank One Pension Scheme for Ex-servi... Delay in OROP Decision by a Govt that is advertisi... Musings of an Armed Forces Veteran on OROP, One-rank, one-pension may be announced today. Support Us. 3. the medical experts approved  by  a  superior  Medical  Officer,  Brigadier. Latest little on OROP- Efforts To Remove Anomalies... An Open Letter to Prime Minister - By H.N. For  the  said  reasons  the  Medical  Board  was, required to examine the cases in the light of  etiology  of  the  particular, disease and after considering all the relevant particulars  of  a  case,  it, was required to record its conclusion with  reasons  in  support,  in  clear, terms and language which the Pension Sanctioning Authority would be able  to, 32. In  spite  of  the  aforesaid  provisions,  the  Pension  Sanctioning, Authority failed to notice that the Medical Board had not given  any  reason, in support of its opinion, particularly  when  there  is  no  note  of  such, disease or disability available in the service record of  the  appellant  at, the time of acceptance for  military  service. ", Paragraph  6  suggests  the  procedure  to  be  followed  by  service, authorities if there is no note, or adequate note, in  the  service  records, Paragraph 7 talks of evidentiary value attached to  the  record  of  a, member's condition at  the  commencement  of  service,  .e.g. been recorded at the time of appellant's acceptance  for  military  service. Rule 14(d)- In case of congenital, hereditary, degenerative  and, constitutional diseases which are detected after the  individual, has joined service, entitlement to disability pension shall  not, be conceded unless it is clearly established that the course  of, such disease was adversely affected due to  factors  related  to, 22. death will ordinarily be deemed to have arisen in  service, if no note of it was made at the time of  the  individual's, acceptance  for  military  service. These debts must be paid, regardless of income status. In all such cases, though. In the impugned judgment dated 31st July, 2009, the Division Bench  of, the High Court placed reliance on  Rules  7(a),  7(b)  and  7(c)  which  was, noticed by this Court in Keshar Singh (supra). ..................................................................J. Sir, I retired on my own request as in the medical category 50% (P2). Defence Officers Association (RDOA) will be constrained to claim interest and From a bare perusal of the Regulation  aforesaid,  it  is  clear  that, disability pension in normal course is to be granted to  an  individual  (i), who is invalidated out of service  on  account  of  a  disability  which  is, attributable to or aggravated by military service and (ii) who  is  assessed. Retired The  question  whether  the  cause  and  the   attendant, circumstances can be accepted as attributable  to/aggravated  by, service for the purpose of pensionary benefits will, however, be, decided by the pension sanctioning authority. Without  going  through  the, aforesaid facts the Pension Sanctioning Authority  mechanically  passed  the, impugned order of rejection based on the report of  the  Medical  Board. definition of “disability” under section 6 of the 2010 Act. I have stayed there for four years in AYE Shape.Again After four years I have been posted to jorhat Assam.There I have developed stress and anxiety disorders later on hospilised And finally boarded out of service with disability 50% Affective disorder Depressive Type. Till date I am not in response to my comments. Again a member may have been invalided from service, because he is found so weak mentally that it  is  impossible  to, make him an efficient soldier. has happened in the IV CPC Rank Pay Case. But SC quashed the HC judgment… The complainant was receiving that pension benefit at the time that the Tribunal delivered Judgment 3104. 5. Enhancing Military Capabilities is the Top Priorit... E-BOOK - MINISTRY OF DEFENCE - GOVT OF INDIA, PROCEDURE FOR CHANGE OF ADDRESS/DATE OF BIRTH IN DISCHARGE BOOK. (ii)  Whether the appellant is entitled for disability pension. The relevant portion of the  judgment  of  this  Court  in  Keshar, "2. Learned counsel appearing on behalf of the Union  of  India  submitted, that in each case when disability pension is sought for and  claim  is  made, it must be affirmatively established as a matter of fact as to  whether  the, disease is due to military service or that it  was  aggravated  by  military. They read as follows: "7(b) A disease which has led to an individual's discharge or, death will ordinarily be deemed to have arisen in service  if, no note of it was made at the time of  service. It is intimated that the Hon’ble Supreme Court vide its Judgment in the case no Civil Appeal 4949 of 2013 arising out... 2. DISEASE- In respect of diseases,  the  following  rule, (a)Cases in which it  is  established  that  conditions  of, Military Service did not determine  or  contribute  to  the, onset of the disease but influenced the subsequent  courses, of the disease will fall for acceptance  on  the  basis  of, (b)A disease which has led to an individual's discharge  or. In view of facts as stated above, it is requested that the my case of proceeded on retirement without getting disability pension could be reviewed and the disability pension on account of ‘NANA’ which has been denied to should be paid retrospectively. It will only ULCERS, EPILEPSY, MENTAL DISORDERS, HIV INFECTIONS. I think still some orders/policy are struk between ministry of defences and department of ex-serviceman welfare Ministry of defence.About a week back when I recommentetd.there was a message reply will be sent on my email address opojha57@gmail.com, I hereby state that there is no use of commenting in ex Service men blog. My comment that who volunteerly discharged from the army is able to get dp has not published. Rule  14(b)  cited  by. It is hoped that your guidance on the subject as requested above may please be given to this ignorant affected ‘Veteran’.Thanking you, Ajit Kumar KashyapiVillage - Mohanpur Paschimpara, Post Office – Sewli TeliniparaDistrict – North 24 Parganas, West Bengal - 700121. MOST IMPORTANT JUDGEMENT ON DISABILITY PENSION NY SUPREME COURT OF INDIA 1. of the individual's acceptance for Service in the Armed  Forces. 3. My service No is JC-185328 L,,Name - AJIT KUMAR KASHYAPI,Date of retirement – 30 Apr 1999.I was invalidated from service on account of disability without granting any disability pension 2(Two) years prior to the completion of full tenure. service which contributed to invalidation from service. Both 7(b) and 7(c) have to be read, "7 (b) A disease which has led to an  individual's  discharge, or death will ordinarily be deemed to have arisen in  service, if no note of it was made at the  time  of  the  individual's, acceptance for military service. If you retired early on disability, you must include in income any disability pension you receive under a plan that is paid for by your employer. The opinion of the Re-survey Medical Board has, Accordingly, the learned  Single  Judge  has  erred  in  law  by, allowing the writ petition only on the basis of plain reading of. 7(c) have to be read together. The attachement consisting RDOA letter and Supreme Court Judgement which emphsizes that when there is no note of any disease recorded in the documents offrs/PBOR at the time comissioning and enrolement, such diseases are deemed to be occured during Service and attributable/aggravated by Mil Service. If a person is discharged  from  service  on  medical, ground for deterioration in his  health  it  is  to  be  presumed  that  the. condition at the commencement of service, and such  record  has, therefore, to be accepted unless any  different  conclusion  has, been reached due to the inaccuracy of the record in a particular, case or  otherwise. 'Chapter II' of the Guide to Medical Officers (Military Pensions)  2002. relates to "Entitlement : General Principles". The approach to the  question  of  entitlement  to, casualty pensionary awards and evaluation  of  disabilities. determination of issue. The appeal is  allowed, but in the circumstances without any order as to costs. Consequently, in view of the observation made  hereinabove,  the, Letters Patent Appeal is allowed. If the Court finds that awarding the pre-judgment interest makes the judgment fairer and just, the … i was medical board out in 1995 after a short service of one year and six days with a medial opinion of "Contusion right knee, a cystic lession in the metaphasis of right distel femour" by the Medical Officer, CHAF, Banglore in medical catagory EEE. v Union of India and Ors. The 7th Pay Commission holds talks with NEXCC ( RE... Applicability of instructions regarding reservatio... IPS, IRS seek end to `IAS raj' over Secretary posts. Sir I was retired volunteerly on 31.8.2005 on completion of 22 years of service in the medical category P2 ie 50% disability. In  expressing  their  opinion  Medical, Officers should comment on the evidence both for and against the, concession of entitlement. I think the councillors supporting and helping to ex-servicemen,he might have found difficult to find a proper information to my comments. Respondent filed a writ  petition  which, was allowed by learned Single Judge and as noted  above  by  the, impugned judgment the special appeal was dismissed. It  may  be  that  the, inaccuracy or incompleteness  of  service  record  on  entry  in, service was due to a non-disclosure of the  essential  facts  by, the member, e.g., pre-enrolment history of an injury or  disease, like epilepsy, mental disorder etc. According to the  respondents,  Rule  14(a),  14(b), 14(c) and 14(d) as amended vide Government of  India,  Ministry  of  Defence. Unless  otherwise  specifically  provided   a, disability pension consisting of service element and  disability, element may be granted to an individual who is  invalidated  out, of service on account of a disability which is  attributable  to, or aggravated by military service in non-battle casualty and  is, The question whether a disability is  attributable  to  or, aggravated by military service shall  be  determined  under  the, 17. The cause of a disability or death resulting from a disease, will  be  regarded  as  attributable  to  Service  when  it   is, established that  the  disease  arose  during  Service  and  the, conditions  and  circumstances  of  duty  in  the  Armed  Forces. You will get it. Sir I have been discharged from the services on account of disability. It was further contended  that  it, will be for the service authorities to make all practical  investigation  to, establish the alleged fact, calling  upon  the  claimant,  if  necessary  to, assist and to show that  the  employee  was  suffering  from  disability  or, disease at the time of appointment and such disease is not  attributable  to, 9. The government could garnish income from Social Security and Social Security Disability Insurance or even a tax refund until those payments are caught up. Rule 5 relates to  approach  to  the, Entitlement Rules for Casualty Pensionary Awards, 1982 based on  presumption, "Rule5 . that all evidence in support or against the claim is elucidated. Earlier I thought to put my case for the information to applicable veterans who have left hope. Such lack of recognition may affect  the, medical categorization of the member on enrolment  and/or  cause, him to perform duties harmful to his condition. I don't know why it's so? Dear SirYou file OA in AFT and will certainly get the favour order. MESKILL, Circuit Judge: Appellant Gloria Pagan instituted this action alleging that appellees NYNEX Corporation (NYNEX) and the NYNEX Pension Plan (Pension Plan) wrongfully denied her a disability pension in violation of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), 29 U.S.C.