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On the other hand, consistently poor performance in relevant technical courses will look very bad - who would hire a prospective developer who never scored at least 70 in programming/algorithms/etc? I am a 2T0 + PEY and this year's Vice-Chair of CSChE. 4 months is much safer if youre worried about that (trust you do not want to get stuck with a bad pey). They develop relationships with … Feel free to PM me if you wanna talk about my experiences further! one that allows you to get the PEY credit, participate in the PEY portal, etc.) NOTE: UTM international students CANNOT do PEY, whereas St. George international students can. It will appear on your transcript as “PEY Co-op 500” credit/no-credit course, but not contributing anything meaningful to your credits. We also have plenty of professional resume/cover letter appointment availabilities , though tbh going to the casual ones organised by your CS/Engineering Societies is more useful (which I'm sure happens in every univeristy, co-op or not). If you dont mind me asking, how did you apply to PEY with <2.0 CGPA? Buy And Sell Stock: Given an array for which the ith element of the array is the price of a stock on day i, return the days in which buying and selling would produce the greatest profit. i have no engineering job experience. I had no side projects and CGPA of 2.6. Do leetcode! So I will be going on PEY this year. Be attentive during the interview! It is possible you will be flagged for AO. "As the PEY Co-op lead for Zebra, I am continually impressed by the caliber of PEY Co-op students that come through our doors year after year. Spending all 16 months at one place is suboptimal and you likely could have gotten a better internship by the end of it. Another thing is most PEY students will be paying much less tax than calculated because of tuition tax credits. If you get questioned and you don’t know it well enough, the interview migh’ be instantly donezo for you. Career Portal login for PEY? Pey Portal So people with 1.9-2.0gpas have recieved PEY from your year? I got a SGPA of 2.2 in last semester and I am pretty sure I will fail a course this semester (ECE302). If you don't care about doing PEY at all, you can also just take a gap year and do 4 4-month internships or something. Some jobs are entirely onsite, half onsite half online, or entirely online. I basically had 3 sets of cover letters and resumes: Web Development, Software Development, and Hardware Engineering. PEY Co-op Placement: Intel Custom Foundry, Intel of Canada, Toronto “The best part of my PEY Co-op experience is the people I worked with. Also 3 days to accept occurs at both Unis as well. The Research Opportunities Program (ROP) gives undergraduate students in their second and third year the chance to join a professor’s research project and earn course credit towards their degree and program requirements. EngSci's majors provide a wide range of engineering specializations for students in Years 3 and 4 of their studies. Cross collaboration with Computer Science and engineering faculties are probably the strongest reasons to come to UofT. ALSO the final/last date on applications for a job are usually deceptive. Will I get thrown into QA? If I receive OSAP, will I retain my interest-free status while I’m on PEY Co-op? The positions offered help students apply engineering competencies to industry challenges while making meaningful professional contributions. This portal is available to students who are registered in the PEY, eSIP and GEI programs at the University of Toronto. If it's an on-site, you'll receive an e-mail notification, and you’ll have to go’to the PEY job portal’site -> Interviews -> Click the interview for the job -> Sign up for a time slot. LOOK OVER YOUR RESUME CAREFULLY. I am applying for the [position name] Co-op position at [place]. What are the international students at UTM supposed to do? Building on a 40-year legacy of facilitating successful professional opportunities for engineering students, PEY Co-op now includes more flexibility, so you can tailor your career development to suit your unique needs. 3 of 4 internships being Big N). 26 UofT Life Hacks You Wish You Knew When You Started School Save yourself the learning curve. [“Harry”, “Mike”, “Matt”] [(“Harry”, 8), (“Mike”, 4)] —> [(“Matt”, “Harry”, 4)], [“Harry”, “Mike”, “Matt”] [(”Harry”,”2)“ (“Mike”,“6)] —” [(“Matt”, “Harry”, 2), (“Matt”, “Mike”” 2)]. I’ve had the opportunity to work with two development teams at BlueCat which not only have I gained a new set of technical and soft skills, but also made long term connections in the tech industry. Often in project-based and innovative settings, students gain experience, skills, and knowledge that … This is a limited enrolment program. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I'd highly recommend considering this, as opposed to just staying at one place for 16 months. And we don't get 3 days to accept offers, we actually get less than 24 hours, and our process is a lot more complicated than simply accepting an offer. Here are examples of questions you might get: Why did you choose to use [technology X]? At this stage, you should be trying to learn as much as possible. At [Hackathon], I worked with a team to create ..., obtaining 3rd place overall. Attached you will find my resume and school transcript for my third year. Full of lots of helpful upper years + TAs, who are all awesome and down to answer any questions. 3 Days sounds like a vacation compared to that lmao.) PEY Co-op Student 2016-2017, Computer Science + PEY “My PEY experience at BlueCat has gave me the confidence and preparation I need for a role as a software engineer upon graduation. The only exception is if a company does want to Rank you 1 (aka give you an offer) and mails you before Ranking Day. this is not true, at least in my experience. All things pertaining to social, academic, and cultural activities at the University of Toronto. If you put the work in for interviews and applications, and aren't picky, you will be able to get a PEY job. For a 12 month period, I would be making about 70k. Another tip: If you can, I recommend breaking up your PEY as much as possible (unless you love the role and just want to spend the entire 16 months there), i want to add that its difficult to know whether you will really love the role or not.