Pilots a spaceship the size of a solar system. Sign Up Login. Galactus possesses the immeasurable Power Cosmic and is one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe, having near-limitless godlike powers. 0. Isn't hurt by a blast from Doctor Strange. 28'9" or Planet Sized (variable) Pre-Big Bang Weapons, Armor, & Skills The Power Cosmic allows Galactus to employ the available absorbed cosmic energies within him to produce nearly any effect he desires, including size-alteration, the molecular restructuring and transmutation of matter, the teleportation of objects—even entire galaxies—across space and time, the creation of force fields, the creation of interdimensional portals, telepathy, telekinesis, and cosmic awareness on a universal scale. (edited by Shrek-it Ralph) 0. Bowser vs Galactus is Pistashio'sseventeenthBattle. Death Battle! The final battle between GALACTUS vs The Avengers is finally here! When the impending cataclysm gradually killed all life in his universe, including almost all of his own people, he and other survivors sought to escape the decay of their world. Fantastic Four #48 (March, 1966) It has a number of devastating weapons and it also has a menagerie of Alien lifeforms in captivity. Warning! He sends out his heralds to scout for worlds for him to feast on and he travels to them and devours their life energy leaving the planet a barren rock. SHDb; uStats; Intelligence. He shoots fireballs at Andross, burning some of the monkey overlord's skin off. Unaffected by his own actions bending time and affecting the past), Immortality (Types 1, 3, 4 and 8), Regeneration (Low-Godly. Boomstick: Like Kirby, Andross can inhale asteroids and his enemies and attempt to grind them with his teeth. Andross then attempts to inhale Galactus, but the Big G laughes and punches Andross in the face. 61 Favourites. He was once referred to as "the most awesome living entity in the cosmos." Death Battle Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Harry: He's The Doctor, that over there is DAM and I'm Harry. He survived the end of everything and was reborn in a crucible of amazing cosmic energies and would become the creature known as Galactus, imbued with the Power Cosmic and a servant of universal balance, destroying worlds to keep things in check. Characters Battles Teams Super Powers Forum Feed Collections. Wiz: General Pepper then saw Andross's activities and banished him to planet Venom. Boomstick: Oh look, it's Donkey Kong and Rayman's love child. Death is going all out on Galactus, and they both will have knowledge on each other. One Shots both Beta Ray Bill and Stardust. Superhero battle match: Death Of The Endless versus Galactus. Wiz: Galactus also is not good at combat, preferring to shoot lasers at his foes instead of throwing punches and kicks. One such notable herald is the Silver Surfer. Even when Andross's body explodes, his brain can still continue the fight. Hunger, Marquis of Death, Thanos (W/Infinity Gauntlet), Combined Mad Celestial, Phoenix Force, Cyttorak, Amatsu-Mikaboshi (Chaos King Form), Goblin Entity, Molecule Man, and the Beyonder. I think that Death can take round 1, given that she is shown to be an equal to Galactus himself and Eternity, so with the hunger weakness,she will win sooner or later. 36000 lbs (variable) Warning! galactusischere. Galactus merely exists to correct the imbalances between life and death. He was once known as Galan, a scientist from the last iteration of the universe. 2 wins (100%) 0 (0%) 0 wins (0%) Marquis Of Death Clyde Wyncham: However, unlike what her appearance and role might indicate, she is not a "malevolent" force of destruction, but rather a necessary part of existence. Characters Battles Teams Super Powers Forum Feed Collections. Death Of The Endless vs Galactus. Though Galan was consumed in the Big Crunch when he and his people attempted to flee the cataclysm, he ended up becoming a vessel for the sentience of his dying universe and emerged billions of years in the current universe as a cosmic entity. For example, if he eats a fire planet, he can shoot fire, or a icy planet, he can give his opponents the cold shoulder. Boomstick: Anyway, he merged with Galacti and became...Galactus...wow. He is also extremely quick, clocking at about the speed of light. Spongebob And Patrick Vs Junior And Jeffy. Before the Big Bang, there was an explorer known as Galan of Taa. Wiz: It's good to be a king, but not always one with a appetite, for planets. Absorbs the Silver Surfer's energy attacks. Galactus' ship is one of the most advanced ships ever. Boomstick: Oh man, that looked like a painful death. The brain starts spinning around like a cyclone, rapidly firing lasers. Power. Teleports himself and a legion of heroes from a hole in reality to his ship. Strength. Durability. Boomstick: Galactus has survived the big bang, many clashes with Odin, and can easily destroy planets, while Andross gets defeated by four Arwing Pilots, one of them being one of the weakest characters of all time: Slippy! Galactus eats it, and gains the ability to use water. As such, Galactus is able to employ the cosmic energy within him to produce virtually any effect he desires. 2 wins (100%) 0 (0%) 0 wins (0%) Marquis Of Death Clyde Wyncham: power stats. Sure, he's been responsible for countless death since the dawn of the universe, but he's not doing it to conquer or because he's some genocidal monster. Harry: He's The Doctor, that over there is DAM and I'm Harry. said Galactus, as he willed his gargantuan form to drift closer to the hooded-and-robed skeletal specter of immutable, never-changing, ever-present Death. By OmnicidalClown1992 Watch. 7 wins (70%) Death Death: power stats. Although he does not require this device to devour planets and will forego its use in certain scenarios, it makes the conversion of energies more efficient. Taa II: Taa II, or Worldship, is the solar system-sized, Möbius strip-shaped home of Galactus. Ultimate Nullifier (Weapon): This weapon has the ability to destroy any target the wielder can mentally envision. It has been requested many times in Death Battle and I want to talk about. Height When recently sated Galactus is incredibly powerful; however, the longer he goes without feeding the more his strength, power, and cosmic awareness wane. Galactus is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Galactus vs. Unicron. Sign Up Login. Today we are going to do Anime Ghidorah vs Galactus. It was revealed in the Abraxas story arc that the Ultimate Nullifier may be an aspect of Galactus himself. As a minor achievement, but still rather impressive, Thanos takes Wolverine deep inside his chest and grins like a maniac. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. His mental defences at rest are too much for Magneto and Xavier. Boomstick: And was later screwed up by Dr. Doom with prep. Boomstick: But before Galactus was a planet eater, he was formerly as a peaceful guy on a world. ... DEATH BATTLE Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. 6 K.O.! Galactus has even been shown as capable of creating sentient life, resurrecting the dead, manipulating mortal souls and remaking dead worlds—including their populations—in every detail. KMC Forums > Comic Book Forums > Comic Book 'Versus' Forum > Death vs. Galactus(full power) Black bolt z. I believe death is the more powerful abstract but i man not sure so i would like to see who would win. Wiz: Though Andross still being alive as a brain did surprise Galactus, Galactus actually outclassed Andross in almost all subjects. Galactus is the Devourer of Worlds and is a cosmic entity like no other in the Marvel Universe. This is going to be a long one so get ready. So this is a fight between fully fed galactus vs lady death. Boomstick: But one day, he got obsessed with power and screwed up the Lylat System. You are still alive! Boomstick: And Galactus, the Devourer of Worlds. Sign Up Login. After absorbing the energy from several planets, Galactus proved capable of destroying the annihilation wave and also an entire galaxy in one omnidirectional blast. Occupation Characters Battles Teams Super Powers Forum Feed Collections. Galactus is one of the oldest beings in all of comics. Can be defeated by high-tier cosmic entities e.g. 0. Wiz: Well, he certainly has dimension. Galactus was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby and first appeared in the comic book Fantastic Four #48, published in March 1966. Thanos is on the hunt for the infinity stones, after arriving on the home world of the Dark Elves and waging war on their home planet Svartalfheim .
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