A. The screening process, called the concourse (it’s borrowed from the French, spelled and pronounced as “concours” here), is a nail-biting nationwide event in which hundreds of thousands of boys and girls compete to be one of the top 200,000 students to be accepted. They are 1981's Escape from Iran: The Inside Story, 2012's Rescued from Tehran: We Were There, and 2013's Our Man in Tehran. Young Iranians — and there are many — mostly find their pride in education. We are not required to show our articles to the Iranian authorities before we publish them. “Look at our climate,” they might say. A. Matthew, thanks. 34 years ago today, a group of Iranian students took over the US Embassy in Tehran. Drew Taylor’s and Larry Weinstein’s film “Our Man in Tehran,” which premiered on Thursday followed by a conversation with the former Canadian … It’s very competitive. That is a very valid question and there really is no clear answer. A. Jason is a good friend of mine, and I can’t wait to see him freed and reunited with his wife, Yeganeh. If by secular you mean that Iranians are not religious, I disagree. ‘I paint for healing’: Indigenous art in the time of COVID-19. What is the biggest misconception the West has about life in Iran? Former Canadian Ambassador to Iran Ken Taylor joins the documentary filmmakers involved in "Our Man in Tehran" to reflect on those events. That the top religious leaders allow him to implement many of his policies, and that his government is engaged in nuclear talks in an effort to get sanctions lifted, shows that members of the ruling class hear the call of young Iranians. We need a clear plan for the partially vaccinated. A. Many people here say Saudi Arabia shares the same ideology as the Islamic State, and they suspect Saudi Arabia of partly funding the group. When young Iranians think about their country, what makes them feel proudest and most optimistic about the future? First, Esther, you should remember a key statistic: more than 70 percent of all Iranians are under 35 years old. GRANGER: He's wearing a dark suit, a light blue shirt, a contrasting striped tie and a red pin on his left lapel. First, to address again the issue of Saudi Arabia and Iran: Both countries have been vying for power and influence for decades. Still, a nuclear deal by the June 30 deadline will not immediately usher in a period of better relations between the United States and Iran because there are a great many ideological differences that will persist and regional competition for influence and power. "But the MI6 man will not be seen; he declined to be filmed to protect his anonymity. A. What would you like to know about Iran? (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) FRED PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Some extremely strong language coming from Tehran on Tuesday with the country's President Hassan Rouhani reacting to the sanctioning of Iran's supreme leader and other key figures within the Iranian power structure. This anonymous fellow and his brightly colored parakeet sit every day on a bench along a tree-lined boulevard across from the Tomb of Hafez, a shrine to the 14th-century Persian poet. But the relative openness does illustrate some sort of dynamism in this society that other countries in the region clearly lack. When this … He is holding Kelvin Atley. Q. Though Iranians often exhibit a great sense of humor, they are also very concerned with keeping up their “waterface,” or their honor. Some candidates are so talented that they do not have to register for the concourse. Do those young Iranians have any kind of political power? He is answering select readers’ queries below. (soundbite of documentary, "our man in tehran") ERDBRINK: Protesters dare to climb up to one of these power boxes without a headscarf. But the rise of the Islamic State and the threat the Sunni militants of ISIS pose to Shiites in the Middle East has led many people here, in the only Shiite-dominated country in the region, to change their opinion. — Will Raynolds, Brooklyn. Just as the silver ran out, the town was ravaged by a fire in 1977. Help me! It is the twelfth episode of the eighth season and the 96th episode overall. A. Hi Fahad. They seem to confuse the government with the people. Do not forget: Iran is a lonely country where people feel as if they are surrounded by enemies, including the United States. Q. Do people in Iran have a sense of humor? Mr. Erdbrink cannot answer all your questions, but perhaps the man with the little bird can help: We will send Persian poems purchased from the man in Shiraz to 30 readers who submit their questions about Iran. Iranians can be preoccupied with how they are perceived in the United States and elsewhere. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Copyright - TVO is a registered charity #85985 0232 RR0001 - Copyright © 2021 The Ontario Educational Communications Authority (TVO). A. “The poem will predict your future and has an answer to all your questions, even the political ones,” Thomas Erdbrink, the Tehran bureau chief for The New York Times, explained in the first episode of “Our Man in Tehran,” one of seven videos that explore life in the Islamic Republic. Like Republicans and Democrats in the United States, where the two parties have been trading the presidency, and, like in the United States, in Iran there are no radical policy changes when the power shifts from hard-liners to reformists. HUNTER (on video): His name is Marcel Janvier. But after an article is published, the authorities or ordinary people might get upset or claim that our stories contain lies or, worse, are part of a campaign by the enemy to achieve this goal or that objective. When scientists use eco-terrorism to impose their will on the world by affecting extremes in the weather, Intelligence Chief Cramden calls in top agent Derek Flint. A presentation of The Democracy Agenda, a collaboration between the Toronto Star and The Agenda. But there are many different interpretations of how laws here should be implemented, and there is a growing tension between the urban middle-class values upheld by some citizens and the way that conservative social rules are enforced. Smoked meat sandwiches weren't the only attraction at Nate's Deli. Big City Life Somayeh Malekian chose modernity over tradition after she moved from Iran’s conservative countryside to the capital, Tehran, where she must fight for her independence. A foreign correspondent here must navigate a minefield of sensitive issues because, no matter the concerns, readers of The New York Times rightfully expect objective, verifiable information. With its Green New Democratic Deal, the NDP takes direct aim at the party whose name it will not say. In 1970 Fort Williams and Port Arthur amalgamated into Thunder Bay. Search this transcript *This transcript was compiled from uncorrected Closed Captioning. She was only 32. She now lives in California. — Pat Marron, Sandpoint, Idaho. The television shows the Statue of Liberty, life in 1980’s and then shows the Soviet Union with Soviet troops marching. Many childhood memories were made at the Regent Theatre, which began as an opera house in 1918. View Transcript. Still, Iranians are avid users of Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, which are hugely popular here. Western music is forbidden, but recordings are widely available. A classic is “My Uncle Napoleon” by Iraj Pezeshkzad, also translated into English, and it is notable for its role in propagating the belief in Iran that the British are to blame for all problems in the country. Should Islam be dynamic or traditional? Journalists who work here for foreign news media companies are not censored. ‘Our Man in Tehran’ Review: A Journey Through Iran Frontline’s determinedly upbeat documentary provides a look at Iranian society. More recently, the war with Iraq in the 1980s inspired contemporary writers, most of whom focus on death, sacrifice and martyrdom. Director Roel van Broekhoven and Thomas Erdbrink have made an intimate and revealing portrait of the country. That is, of course, a very valid and good question. Tony Mendez, Writer: Argo. They are as suspicious of a foreign reporter as some Americans would be suspicious of an Iranian reporter in the United States. — Esther, the Netherlands. The idea came through a group the two belong to that connects Iran Peace Corps volunteers from across the country. Its doors are still open. Many of us cannot travel easily to Shiraz to ask our questions of the man and his bird. It is a very difficult crime to prove. Also, about tourism, and women traveling alone. The law requires at least four eyewitnesses who must be pious Muslims and who must also explain what they had been doing to witness such an act. The presentation will alternate between screening selected clips and discussion. Impressive. In the third episode of “Our Man in Tehran,” a video series on nytimes.com, produced with VPRO in the Netherlands, Somayeh Malekian discusses … His remarks come in response to Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz comments saying Israel is working on potential plans to strike Iranian nuclear sites if the world does not stop Iran's 'nuclear escalation'. Do the people of Iran feel this is an issue? Translating humor is always complicated, but Iran, like other places in the world, has a vein of humor that plays on regional stereotypes. This look inside an AA meeting in a country where alcohol is banned is just one of the surprising encounters that unfolds in Our Man in Tehran, a … There are many rules in Iran, but there is also a great deal of flexibility in how those rules are carried out. “In Iran you can ski in the mountains and swim in the blue Persian Gulf waters on the same day!”, “Visit Isfahan,” another unofficial Iranian tourism spokesman might say. Nell. ... Thomas Erdbrink on the PBS Frontline Film Our Man in Tehran; Open Phones, Part 2; Though it was unclear at the time whether other journalists were also on the radar of judicial authorities here, my editors and I decided that it was better for me to return to Tehran. There have been many great writers and poets, books and verse, produced throughout history. A case in point was the surprise election in 2013 of President Hassan Rouhani, who advocates reconciliation with the West and a more moderate Iranian government — just what many of those young people desire. The most famous poet is Rumi, a 13th-century Sufi mystic who is affectionately called Mowlana, or the Master, in Iran. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. If you have questions about Iran, you might travel to Shiraz, in the southwest of the country, to visit the man with the little bird. Q. Even the clerics here are online, and Iranian politicians have active Twitter and Facebook profiles, despite the fact that those social networks are among many websites that are officially blocked here. After more than a decade reporting from Iran, Thomas Erdbrink, the Tehran bureau chief for The New York Times, says he’s slowly starting to understand the country where nothing is as it seems. The increase in foreign travel just over the past 15 years has changed Iran as more Iranians become familiar with how people in other countries live. They are not now at war, at least not directly. Prisoners of War " is the series finale of the American television drama series Homeland. Tehran (TV Series 2020– ) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Q. I would like to learn how gay, lesbian, and transgender Iranians navigate their public and private lives. After the Mongols invaded Iran in the 13th century, within five generations, they became more Persian than the resident Persians. Inexpensive travel opportunities have been one of the reasons that Iranians are less isolated than they were 35 years ago. — Tom Zee, Netherlands. So we invite you to ask your questions here. Thanks, Richard, for these two questions. Cutscene A television turns on and the song Spirit In The Sky by Norman Greenbaum is heard playing. Cobalt was once a booming town built on the silver mining industry. Such debates are at the root of the two sides’ differences. Every year, 150,000 highly educated young people leave Iran to pursue their studies elsewhere, often in the United States. The “death to America” slogan may have become a rallying cry for Iranian hard-liners who receive a lot of media exposure during public demonstrations, but it is not as if shopkeepers and pedestrians are shouting this whenever they feel like it. He's slim, clean-shaven, in his fifties, with short curly brown hair. For 2,000 tomans, or about 50 cents, the man will have his bird choose from a box one of dozens of prophetic poems written in Persian script on pastel-colored slips of paper. Education is a way for Iranian students to advance in Iran and abroad, by winning scholarships from foreign universities. That figure shows the tremendous influence that they can wield. The majority of people here believes in God, and Iranians are very pleased that Islam is part of their legal system and ingrained in their version of democracy. More Protests in Iran. Young Iranians and their older leaders are regularly adapting to changing situations. 52 Americans were held hostage for 444 days. Those Iranian officials negotiating on the government’s behalf with the United States and five other world powers still must adhere to the country’s official positions against American and Israeli policy. During the pandemic, Indigenous artists are finding innovative ways to stay connected, hone their skills, and make a living. The opposition leader talks about how the Doug Ford government is handling the pandemic. Also, Iran can be a lonely country, surrounded in the region by neighbors with different cultures, languages and religions. With James Coburn, Lee J. Cobb, Gila Golan, Edward Mulhare. As bureau chief, and given the ongoing situation with Jason Rezaian of the Washington Post, do you ever fear that doing your job compromises your safety? But any perception in the West that people are hanged regularly on every street corner for their sexuality or gender identity is far from reality. Here, I need a permit every time I want to leave the capital. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. " Q. And if they do, what difference can they make? Also check out Sadegh Hedayat, whose masterpiece, “The Blind Owl,” has been translated into English. February 22, 2021 - 16:46. A large part of the public debate here takes place online. When a foreigner visits Iran, many people here would likely try to convince her of all the country has to offer. Iranian Defence Minister threatened Iran "will level Tel Aviv and Haifa to the ground" if Israel "makes further mistakes," in Tehran, on Sunday. The rivalry between the Saudi government and Iran’s leaders is not that different a story than the rivalry inside Iran between the hard-liners and the reformists, the other subject of your questions. And we want to welcome our international viewers right now as well. A. There is, however, a law against sodomy, which carries the death penalty. A. Iran, like Japan, is one of the oldest countries in the world. Steve sits in the studio. Ayatollah Khomeini, the former supreme leader, had said that transgender people are sick and that those people born in the wrong body must be helped. It could have been a lot worse, but for the efforts of Canada's ambassador and his team, who saved several other Americans in Iran. A. Also, Iran does not recognize the state of Israel. — Christian Hatchett, Hammett, Idaho. Westheimer and McIntire will show clips of “Our Man in Tehran”, a PBS special seen through the lens of Dutch documentarian Thomas Erdbrink. ANALYSIS: The New Democratic plan contains some measures that would be easy and popular — but it also raises some questions that could prove thorny if the party wins power. And Persian, or “Farsi,” is an old and rich language, providing dozens of different options for writers trying to say the same thing. Iranians have learned that a good way to survive in this hostile region is by being so hospitable that visitors become allies and emissaries. — Fahad Aljarbou, Saudi Arabia. People from Isfahan are considered to be stingy, so they are the butt of many jokes, as are the people from the Caspian Sea city of Rasht, where they are known for their liberal ideas. The divisions in Iran might appear to be black and white but, in reality, they are different shades of gray. — Heidi King, Westport, Conn. Heidi, you might be surprised to hear that gays and lesbians do not always have to navigate their lives that differently from heterosexual Iranians. It premiered on Showtime on April 26, 2020. This might seem a bit much, but Iranians worry that Westerners often think this place is one big desert where Iranians ride camels to work. Some people here call it a lifestyle movement. He does not so much as read your fortune as he keeps answers to your important questions safe, until such time as you are ready to ask them. Behind him, a wall screen reads “The Agenda, with Steve Paikin.”. If the hosts can be really convincing, some guests may just stay. Both factions support the idea of an Islamic republic, its ideology and religious laws. A feature interview with Michael Ignatieff, as part of The Democracy Agenda, a joint series between The Toronto Star and The Agenda. There are several tech companies in Iran, and there is even a local Amazon. — Richard Angelo, Florida. We can’t worry about things that might happen, just so long as we take the right precautions. Our Man in Tehran After more than a decade reporting from Iran, Thomas Erdbrink, the Tehran bureau chief for The New York Times, says … How do you balance your ambitions and responsibilities as a journalist with the reality of the Iranian judiciary? The government has released new information about vaccine doses, capacity, and distribution. Does that mean that Iran will soon become a country that resembles Western nations? THE SITUATION ROOM. Search this transcript *This transcript was compiled from uncorrected Closed Captioning. NELL: Cherokee is the cover name of … What aspects of Iranian culture and life do Iranians wish Westerners knew more about? Q. When they were arrested last July, I was in the Netherlands. The man behind the counter was Dave Smith. They saw such support as a waste of money. The Fix for Long-Term Care and Other Agenda Highlights, Andrea Horwath: Challenging Ford's COVID-19 Response, Liberal Democracy Does Not Flourish on Self Loathing. Low-level anxiety disorder, early onset arthritis and foreign accent syndrome. But the rivalry has deep, religious, political and cultural roots, and I am merely a humble correspondent so any prophecies of peace would make me look quite ridiculous. Beyond the clichés of the Eiffel Tower, there is another Paris - one of solidarity, wittiness, and repurposing public space. Now, Iran is no easy place for gays, lesbians and transgenders. Not only is the government extremely careful about how it is portrayed abroad, but ordinary Iranians are also very sensitive to the way the foreign news media reports on their country. ... Let's go to our man in Tehran right now. For a long time, many ordinary Iranians were upset with their government’s support for Hezbollah in Lebanon, President Bashar al-Assad of Syria and other Shiite groups in the Middle East. It is fairly easy to go on Facebook, even though state censors have blocked that social network. Many people feel it is time to move beyond such slogans. Do you feel like this problem of perception affects relations between the U.S. and Iran? THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. During the series, Mr. Erdbrink introduces us to modern Iranians who want a more open society and religious conservatives who support the ruling ayatollahs. Watch the videos, above, and submit your questions for Mr. Erdbrink. But last year the Iranian Parliament issued a report saying that 17 percent of the population is gay. Q. Q. Jeff Foster was cited by campus security for smoking marijuana on campus, though he has a medical card. — Matthew Doherty, Tewksbury, Mass. A. Iranians seem to make fun of everything in life, especially their worst setbacks. ... Thomas Erdbrink on the PBS Frontline Film Our Man in Tehran; Open Phones, Part 2; What is the best way to describe that? That's the source material. “The Shahnameh,” or the Book of Kings, tells the legendary history of Iran. Q. Our Man in Tehran Answers Your Questions About Iran. If you're looking for a specific record, you'll probably find it at Brian's Record Option in Kingston - but you'll need his help. Thinking of your experience with tvo.org, how likely are you to recommend tvo.org to a friend or colleague. In short, Iran is supporting proxies, but its regional rival Saudi Arabia is doing exactly the same thing, Iranians say. Young Iranians have muscled out some space for themselves where, officially, not much is allowed but where, in reality, a lot is possible. Tourists, however, can travel the country freely. Jokes are often made behind people’s backs. Thomas Erdbrink with his wife, Newsha Tavakolian What’s in the NDP’s Green New Democratic Deal, ‘Really dire’: Women’s organizations warn of a sector in crisis. The latest coronavirus updates from across the province. They are required to explain why they didn’t leave the room or why they didn’t cover their eyes or, if they had their hands and feet bound, why they didn’t turn their heads to look away. People circumvent official firewalls by using illegal software that is widely available for purchase from Iranian websites that are not blocked. Reviewing the devestating reality of long-term care during COVID-19. Most Americans don’t seem to know how secular Iranian people are. They are ranked, with one student earning the celebrated top spot. How long will it take, if ever, for the reformers to achieve dominance over the hard-liners (the clerics) in Iran? But there are no legal avenues for groups of people with different ideas to organize themselves outside the dominant political framework of the Islamic Revolution. The man — or perhaps the bird — is a soothsayer, of sorts. People here do travel, often to places such as Turkey and Dubai. “But one can do much more than one might expect.”. Our public funding only covers some of the cost of producing high-quality, balanced content. Harford Courant statehouse reporter Daniela Altimari spoke by phone about primary day in Connecticut. Q. I know nothing of Iranian literature — who are some of the most popular, most well-regarded poets and authors there today? Is there any chance for Iran and Saudi Arabia to negotiate a peaceful solution to their differences and try for peace in the Middle East? Our Man In Tehran video series. TEHRAN - The new limits to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors to the Iranian nuclear sites will be lighter than the Iran’s Parliament wanted, giving Western nations three months to assess if they can revive the 2015 nuclear agreement, according to the New York Times. COVID-19 is disproportionately affecting women — and organizations are calling for a permanent funding shift in order to support them now and post-pandemic. ... "Our Man in Tehran." There will be food, music, fruits, tea and, at the end of the evening, one’s Iranian hosts will offer you a bed to stay the night only so they might repeat for you the entire ritual the next day. References ↑ 1.0 1.1 Matthew L. Wald (1980-02-12). Any available in translation? Iran is not as closed off as, say, North Korea. Aired June 18, 2009 - 16:00 ET. August 14, 2018 Daniela Altimari on Primary Day in Connecticut. Contrary to what some might think, there is no law here against homosexuality. “Working as a Western reporter in Iran is complicated,” Mr. Erdbrink said. CNN's Reza Sayah is joining us. politicians have active Twitter and Facebook profiles, become a rallying cry for Iranian hard-liners, the first episode of “Our Man in Tehran,”, modern Iranians who want a more open society, religious conservatives who support the ruling ayatollahs. transcript. Q. If they did not have this outlook, I don’t think I would have stayed here as long as I have. Is Iran’s government trying to dominate the region with their expansion policy by supporting their proxies in other Arab countries? He has candid conversations with people about religion and politics, revenge and forgiveness. Iranians will remind visitors of the many physical splendors of the country then spoil them with their hospitality. The Internet is changing Iran as it has changed the world. These young Iranians, seeing how their parents carried out a revolution, have not always been pleased with the results and therefore many shy away from politics. Health journalist André Picard shares insights from his new book, "Neglected No More. We discuss the toll the pandemic has been taking on health-care workers. Should Islamic laws be adapted to modern times, or should laws function now as they did during the days of the Prophet Muhammad? Politics. She was an illegitimate child, born into a poorhouse and abandoned in an orphanage, but Coco Chanel rose from unimaginable poverty to create the most iconic fashion brand of the 20th century, The House of Chanel. https://www.pbs.org/video/our-man-in-tehran-part-one-p9eu3w It is the execution of those laws about which they differ. GRANGER: Agent Callen, six weeks ago an NSA analyst named Kelvin Atley went missing. Reza Sayah, our man in Tehran. Our Man in Tehran The Agenda with Steve Paikin. Q. Now, Cobalt is poised for a renaissance thanks to its namesake, cobalt. Thomas Erdbrink on the PBS Frontline Film Our Man in Tehran Has the government of Iran set any limits on what you can and cannot report? Maryam Mirzakhani, who became the first woman and the first Iranian honored with the Fields Medal, the most prestigious award in mathematics, was accepted right away. A. I think that, deep down, many Iranians are curious whether the rest of the world is really that different from their own country. Directed by Daniel Mann. - Liz Perry, Washington, @lizperry06 on Twitter. Footage transitions to the United States Capitol and Ronald Reagan getting sworn in as President of the United States. One interesting modern poet is Forough Farrokhzad, who died in a car crash in 1967. The government here sees Israelis as the illegal occupiers of another country, Palestine. Tony Mendez was born on November 15, 1940 in Eureka, Nevada, USA as Antonio Joseph Mendez. transcript. Journalist and author Koa Beck discusses her book, "White Feminism.". They said the guy that hired them was driving a rental moving truck. Parties with men and women are not allowed, but the sexes mix often at parties in cities here. It could have been a lot worse, but for the efforts of Canada's ambassador and his team, who saved several other Americans in Iran. It’s time for some good, solid public-health guidance. — Lawrence Ciulla, @lawrenceciulla on Twitter. In many ways, their desires, their style, their connections to the rest of the world via the Internet and their love for higher education have created an invisible current that is undeniably influencing those in power, even staunch conservatives. The former Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is now on track to hold that position again but potentially could put his country at odds with President Obama. 'Our Man In Tehran' Was A Canadian Hero For three months, Canada's ambassador to Iran, Ken Taylor, and other Canadian embassy employees hid six Americans in … — Christopher Sprecher, New York. We get details now for our man in Tehran Fred Pleitgen. What effect will the Internet have as it exposes Iranians to modernity? Rob Bell boards the ship that kick started the age of polar exploration, Royal Research Ship Discovery. Thomas Erdbrink, the Tehran bureau chief for The New York Times, responds to readers’ questions about Iran and his video series, “Our Man in Tehran.” Read more below and submit your questions for Mr. Erdbrink.
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