China is also vigorously pursuing a national GB strategy, its effects on construction waste management (CWM) are yet to be conrmed. Plan shall consist of waste identification, waste reduction work plan, and cost/revenue analysis. Construction sustainability performance is indispensable to the attainment of sustainable development. In that case, many developers and GB consultants. Strategic Public Policy Research Funding Scheme: Boosting construction waste material sharing in the Greater Bay Area, Accessibility to transit, by transit, and property prices: Spatially varying relationships, Construction waste minimization in green building: A comparative analysis of LEED-NC 2009 certified projects in the US and China, Contention for urban state space and the rise of society in China: A case study of "Housing Planting" in Hohhot, A checklist for assessing sustainability performance of construction projects, A cost-benefit analysis of green buildings with respect to construction waste minimization using big data in Hong Kong. With proper planning, two points are achievable. The enforcement on regulations, recycling market development, public consciousness and advanced technologies lead to the differences while the influence of the political, economic, social, and technological context increased when the projects were certified with lower LEED levels. As mentioned by many interviewees, to, obtain more CWM-related credits in the LEED-accredited. The attainable point(s) of each CWM related item, as well, as its relative weight in the overall grade, were pr, in the last two columns of the table, from where all CWM. The credits distribution of LEED-certied projects in China. Therefore, a succession of semi-structured interviews was undertak-, en by collecting the qualitative data with LEED and CWM, experts, consultants, researcher, project managers based, LEED and CWM construction industry practitioners were, interviewed. There, teria of most prevailing GBRSs, covering project manage-, of hazardous materials, and indoor environment quality, (Gou and Lau, 2014; Wu and Low, 2010). LEED is a green building certification program and the globally recognised standard for the design, construction and operation of high-performance green buildings and neighbourhoods. Procurement innovation for a circular economy of construction and demolition waste: Lessons learnt from Suzhou, China, An off-site snapshot methodology for estimating building construction waste composition - a case study of Hong Kong, Evaluating the effects of green building on construction waste management: A comparative study of three green building rating systems, The effects of green building on construction waste minimization: Triangulating ‘big data’ with ‘thick data‘, RFID-Enabled BIM Platform for Prefabrication Housing Production in Hong Kong, CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE IN GREEN BUILDINGS: A PEST ANALYSIS OF CHINA. It facilitates multi-dimensional and multi-d, Construction waste issues have raised great concern worldwide in the recent decades. A combination of, the qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis can help, understand the rationales, i.e., the causes behind the poor, performance with respect to CWM in real practice and as-, These two credits are aimed to encourage developers, to reuse the existing, previously occupied building compo-, nents including structural and nonstructural elements em-, requirements, the thresholds are set as 55% and 50% for, the percentage of salvaged portion correspondingly. associated credits by going through all the criteria item, by item. Therefore, it is not considered for reuse, (Poon, 2007). Science of The T, roofs; building energy savings and the potential for retrot.Energy, buildings with respect to construction waste minimization using. economy summary, Beijing Statistics, Beijing. This, paper evaluates CWM performance in GB by putting the dyads into China’. Therefore, this study analyzes the barriers of conducting on-site sorting of construction waste with a case study of Suzhou. form a concrete basis to implement CWM. According to USGBC, (U.S. Green Building Council) (2019), there have been more, In terms of the GB movement in China, the emergence. With the further, urbanization and urban renewal in China, the construction, waste issues would be even worse and thus, it is impera-, tive for China to devise some effective strategies to tackle, the construction waste issues. In over 70 lessons, ranging from 2-8 minutes we will cover the all of the credits and explain to you not only the requirements, but also what sits behind the intent to ensure you will understand how each credit aligns with the overarching sustainability goals. In order to qualify for LEED certification, a contractor must recycle a certain percentage of waste that is generated during the building process. Existing literature has overemphasized the power of state in the theorization of China's urbanization and transition, and after the reform and opening-up, substantial attention has been given to the interaction between state and market. minimization, construction waste treatment guidelines, lean construction, prefabricated building, recycled building. The study is benecial to both researchers, and practitioners in the GB industry. big data in Hong Kong.Journal of Green Building,13(4), 61-76. minimization in green building: A comparative analysis of LEED-, NC 2009 certied projects in the US and China. In this study, we used a database of 22,586 secondhand residential properties in 358 residential estates in Xiamen, China to develop four non-spatial hedonic pricing models (one standard and three Box-Cox transformed) and two spatial econometric models to quantify the effects of bus accessibility on property prices and analyze how the introduction of spatial econometric models would influence estimates of such benefits. Todays most popular and most commonly used version of LEED BD+C V4, and it sets the bar for building standards to address energy efficiency, water conservation, site selection, material selection, day lighting and waste reduction. Sample Construction and Demolition Waste Management Plan.docx using the cut-corner steel bar for shelves; using the. Political, Economic, Social, and Technical (PEST) context. For example, the stakeholders use recycled materials to a certain level, Considering the social dimension, a relatively low level, of stakeholders' awareness about CWM in China results in, the poor CWM performance in these projects. This project funded by ITC proposes to develop an RFID-enabled service-oriented BIM (Building Information Modeling) platform. It also pro, portant reference for exploring whether GB can be used as, This research is supported by the General Research, Fund (GRF) (Project No. Use the download button below or simple online reader. Although they focus on C&D waste management, the research findings can be applied to other public procurement settings, such as municipal solid waste management service. According to the potential strategies, mentioned in the indicator, it is suggested t. using materials such as bamboo, wool, cotton insulation, linoleum, wheatboard, strawboard, and cork. This paper demonstrates the necessity of emphasizing CWM-related items in GBRSs and of taking appropriate measures to deal with them. can be generally guided by the ‘3R' principles, i.e., reduce, reuse, and recycle according to their desirability (Peng et, examined extensively, and substantive measures ha, been proposed. I have an MBA from London Business School. Environmental Impact Assessment Review. Therefore, how to tackle construction waste, problems, termed as construction waste management, (CWM), has become a discipline in its own right. How is the CWM situation in China generally? After one year, in 2006, the Chinese national GBRS, Gr. However, it would be too costly, if not entirely impossible, to achieve a “zero waste construction site” by treating it as a closed system. ... management plan for the construction and preoccupancy phases of the building. This is the research gap this study intends to ll. A vast majority of cities still do not, have any regulation to stipulate CWM issues. nutries and Regions for LEED, Available at: USGBC (2019). A Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP) is a document that provides information on how construction waste is managed during a construction project. Welcome to LEED v4.1 Beta Welcome to the next evolution of LEED for design and construction! world generates over 10 billion tons of construction waste, every year and about one quarter of the total waste is gen-. The research project is collaborated by Prof. George Huang in Departmen, Lab is an urban big data hub housed on the 7th floor of the Knowles Building, the University of Hong Kong that supports the entire suite of HKUrbanLabs. Therefore, only some pilot demonstration, projects that aim to achieve the big-league performance of, certain materials in the very beginning usually at the stag-, es like design or selection of suppliers, so as to get to the, credit. on construction waste minimization: Triangulating ‘big data’ with. Chen et al. ... LEED v4 Part III. Moreo-, mance, such as on-site sorting equipment and the equip-, ment for the storage of sorted construction waste should, be developed as soon as possible so that the cost of stake-. Following wood & timber waste, metal waste is the second largest source of non-inert waste. This study is of benets, to both researchers and practitioners in the GB industry, Construction plays a pivotal role in materializing the, built environment and maintaining the national economy in, China, revealed from its prodigious portion contributing to, its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) with a contribution of, consistently over 6% in recent years (NBS, 2019). Waste composition analysis is essential for implementing appropriate management strategies. ral resources (Shen et al., 2007; Lu and Yuan, 2011; et al., 2019; Yang et al., 2020), which have been frequently, witnessed in the past decades in China. Then the ques-. formulated from an economic perspective. : 17201917) from the Hong, Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) and Public Poli, cy Research (PPR) (Project No. In turn, high-, er price hinders the stakeholders from using it in the pro-, jects. To make such PPP work, it is critical to devise institutions to prevent corruption and opportunistic behaviors. This study adopts a mixed method, including three. Amongst the GBRSs prevailing in the Chi-, nese market, LEED possesses the leading position among, the clients despite the fact of the existence of its national, GBRS, GBEL. The study found that BEAM Plus, the latest version of the Building Environmental Assessment Method developed by the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC), gave rise to a 36.19% waste reduction by weight for demolition works, but no statistically significant waste reduction for foundation or building works. S2: excessive worries on recycled construction materials from project stakeholers; T2: decient information and tools to implement proper demolition / deconstruction; T3: insufcient funds for supporting research in eld of CWM. It is a powerful and widely used, tool for understanding strategic risk, identifying the change, and the effects of the external macro environment (Sam-, the company or organization operates, while the other is, to provide data and information to enable the company to, predict situations and circumstances and formulate strat-, in the discipline of market research, but in recent years, it, has been widely applied across the disciplines due to the, into this study, it can assess how GB affect the CWM in the, context of China from four external factors, political, eco-, nomic, social, and technological. So take the course now to learn what all of this means in more detail and how you can apply the knowledge gained from LEED  into your world. Three construction sites, at the initial stage, mid-stage, and end stage respectively, are selected for illustrating the proposed snapshot methodology. This course is designed to provide you with a tutorial of all the credits, standards and requirements for this global standard. Besides, more efforts can be input in China to learn a, well-rounded CWM system and practical experience from, cial incentive gives rise to the subpar CWM performance, the GB projects, the cost imposed would be increased in, various aspects. Amidst the global trend of advocating a circular economy, various nations and regions in recent years have started to explore innovative procurement models (e.g., Public Private Partnership [PPP]) in dealing with beset issues related to construction and demolition (C&D) waste. People that like lengthy and theoretical explanations. Develop and implement a construction and demolition waste management plan: Establish waste diversion goals for the project by identifying at least five materials (both structural and nonstructural) targeted for diversion. management.Journal of Cleaner Production,39, 1-8. The results of the analy-, sis can inform the practitioners for reference to formulate. Nonetheless, rather limited studies have explored the ef-, fectiveness of GB on CWM, even though CWM also plays a, Hence, this study aims to evaluate the effects of GB on, CWM in China, and then understand the causes of the ef-, fects by conducting a series of semi-structured interviews, and a comprehensive political, economic, social, and tech-, nological (PEST) analysis. to the nascent nature of the concept, we adopted a qualitative approach including archival study, a series of semi-structured interviews, and two in-depth case studies in Shenzhen, China to sketch the analytical framework. Open access article under CC BY-NC-ND license, Department of Real Estate and Construction, Faculty of Architecture, University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong, Department of Civil Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China. All figure content in this area was uploaded by Zhikang Bao, © 2019 Cisa Publisher. havior in Mainland China. for the immature market for construction waste recycling, which will eventually affect the effectiveness of CWM per-, standard concerning the demolition or deconstruction, olition wastes are heterogeneous mixtures of building and, decoration materials that are usually contaminated with, a proper sequence and approach of demolition may pri-, marily simplify the treatment of waste at source. This framework enables all project parties to assess the project sustainability performance in a consistent and holistic way, thus improving the cooperation among all parties to attain satisfactory project sustainability performance. ing-related environmental issues, including construction waste. non-inert waste mainly comprises bamboo, plastics, glass, wood, and paper, contaminates the surrounding envir, ment signicantly. Howev-, er, construction activity by nature is hostile t. environment. Amongst the con-, tributions leading to environmental degradation, the solid, waste generated from construction activities has plagued. To obtain the credit, the de, tor should collect corresponding proper documentation to, prove the proportion of recycled component reaches the. The paper goes further to understand the causes of the mediocre CWM performance, by conducting ten semi-structured interviews with GB and CWM practitioners in China. Projects attempting this credit are not eligible to earn points under other Location and Transportation credits. holders to use the equipment can be reduced. That is why this study aims, to evaluate the effectiveness of GB on CWM to see whether, GB can be applied as a strategy to tackle the construction, Considering that CWM is pivotal in the process of fos-, tering sustainability in the construction industry, some, scholars have tried to explore the potential of GBRSs to. By analysing a total of 310 GB projects with LEED accredited in China, it is discovered that GB does not prominently improve the performance of CWM. ... achieving these credits is heavily r eliant on the plan . GB consultant in a local GB consultancy rm. Monitoring of Solid Waste in Hong Kong. with the soaring construction activities tied to urbanization and urban regeneration, massive construction waste has been generated, imposing tremendous pressure on, the industry and beyond. Additionally, t, some credits, such as MR.3, it requires to use the recycled. This course includes lifetime access so you can complete it at your own speed. sumption, solid waste generation, dust and gas emissions, noise pollution, and consumption of non-renewable natu-. It can lead to a series of negative impacts, including land depletion and deterioration, energy con-. It can, be noticed that minimal buildings can earn these credits, that attained the credits MR1.1 and MR1.2 are only 1.54%, thereof that attained the credits among total 310 cases. Therefore, the contractors should re-identify eligible mate-, rial suppliers, or provide a template of document for mate-, collection to ensure the authenticity of the information. Also, the regulations formulated should be as de-, tailed as possible so that they are straightforward to follow, the national and regional level should be avoided. Conven-, tionally, the disposal methods for construction waste are, landll and incineration, which not only considerably occu, py valuable land resource but also causes environmental, deterioration. newable and sustainable energy reviews,23, 214-223. agement studies in construction. These two cred-, its are more applicable to reconstruction projects, which. It can also be perceived that this rating system allocates, dissimilar emphasis on different aspects of CWM perfor-.
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