Through my experience preparing raw food all over the world from rainbow gatherings making sprouts for hundreds of people, to festivals with the Krishna Kitchen, I’ve preferred the face to face intimate gatherings as a way to share my passion for raw vegan foods. Today is May 16th, so Day 10 was yesterday, I had a full day that I didn't write about it on time. This ancient grain is rich in fiber and protein, as well as many important micronutrients. Top with the pine nuts, chives, basil, and a few shavings of Parmesan, if using. It also softens as it roasts, becoming tender, creamy, and spreadable. It is the ending of day 9, it is 21:22 now, already finished the wonderful Discourse which I will share below... Goenkaji spoke today about many different stories, and lots of guidance, which keeps you always reflecting on how you lived your life and what has changed since you became aware. I just got Love on a plate: The Gourmet UnCookbook in the mail. The recipes look good, but I haven't made any. I had to go there with this post today... not sure why.... maybe, maybe, we can all come together this time and I won't be alone fighting for the freedom of human beings. I am truly grateful for all the volunteers who plan this on a daily basis... to allow the sitting to be unified, around the world. 10 talking about this. The meat will absorb flavor during the browning process. When the full moon knocks on your window to awaken you, the charm of the view is captured in that moment. Its flavor is sweet, mellow, nutty, and rich. I have mentioned in the previous posts that I had started to ferment some kombucha, so it was time to bottle them. Feeding a dog a raw diet need not be the same meal every day. 1/2 cup soaked cashews. HOLY CRAP! So I was up by 5:30, shower, ready to meditate after this nice morning encounter, group sitting from 7 -8 again, and by 8:30 I finally video called my parents who live in another continent... and I was so happy to see them healthy, and happy. So I am gonna start soon, before I had back again to my sister's again and have a sleep over. When the full moon knocks on your window to awak... Sugar fruit, Pomegranate, Mango, Papaya, Guava. One cup (246 grams) of cooked amaranth contains the following nutrients (2): ref: We offers these in the form of 8 All Raw Organic Love Force Energy Bars, 4 All Raw Organic Love Force Breads and 4 kinds of Rawganic Love Force Kale Chips. It is ENOUGH. Have a good night everyone... sweet dreams... breath in and out and start feeling your sensations... equanimity will get there.. just observe, anicca, anicca anicca, and be equanimous. Above all, the recipes are made with Lovechock's organic Raw Chocolate. The Delicious Raw Tiramisu. I did so much! When I wrote each post, it was and is happening in the moment... the emotions, the actions, the sensations, the motivation, the sharing, the excitements... ad since I have broken the silence, I feel, oh, ok so now what am I going to share.. so that motivation is not 100% present.. as just feeling the rush of life is almost back to normal... Maybe people need to start subscribing to the blog to receive it... otherwise, I will post with whom ever is already following... and for whom ever ask about the experience or the challenge that I went through, I will guide them to read my journals here. I am not finding the short version of the song ... the importance are the lyrics, here is the name simply google it. One Simply Terrific Thing: Turbinado Sugar (Sugar in the Raw) Mar 5, 2021 - Vegan recipes from and around the web!. This raw vegan bread recipe resembles bread so much that you will never miss cooked bread ever again. May you all be happy, May you all be peace. Swap raw, evaporated, unrefined sugar, agave, or another raw sweetener for the sugar and use homemade coconut milk rather than canned to keep it raw and vegan. I think for instance I stopped using an alarm and was able to train my mind to wake up on specific hours... only that for this journey i decided to put it back. It happens few days in the month before the cycle starts! Oh my, oh my... may all the world live and be in Metta. I will share the video, as I am not able to share the song here. Add in the almond, sunflower and flax seed mixture, next add in ⅛ cup psyllium husk and pulse together until evenly combined. I thought as it was cloudy outside, best time to start the outer cleansing...  House cleaning! How to apply creativity and artistry to raw vegan dishes that also taste delicious, rather than look great, but taste bland. Mimi's other book, Raw-Vitalize is now my go-to raw recipe book. Through my experience preparing raw food all over the world from rainbow gatherings making sprouts for hundreds of … So we exchanged  phone numbers, and we walked a bit together around the street on the straight side around. A lot of my own behavior has changed, my temper, my anger, my resistance to things, my way of being, my love and care, my presence to serve, and so much more.... and still there is a lot of work to do... One thing that was very important which he mentioned so many times in examples, is how we make our life miserable because of others, because of so and so.. because of this action or that action... without taking a moment and looking at ourselves to see what is the thing we need to change inside of us to not feel that misery anymore. Required fields are marked *. The Love of Living Foods is a compilation of Robin Gregory's ( most loved recipes. It's important to include a variety of ingredients and supplements in your weekly raw dog food recipes to give your dog a balanced nutritional profile.. Live Raw has recipes that are a bit more time consuming with more ingredients. It was back in summer 2010 when I decided to attend the living food full day class. Using Raw Beef. Running from Nov 20 to Dec 4 - daily prices & big wins announced Dec 5! Glaze: Powered by,, The Day of Metta - Full of Love and Compassion (Day 10 & 11), All in the oven for 40 min! & should you have a special product you would like to giveaway, please do contact me by message! They look like a lot of work. Over the years, I had added recipes here and there at 1 1/4 cup rolled gluten free oats. 95 Vegan Recipes Even Meat Eaters Love [Main Dishes & Sides] I allowed myself to have that later when we all sat together to eat. We like to think of our energy bars as desserts that provide real whole food nutrition. Following the meditation... oh.. See more ideas about recipes, vegan recipes, food. On my way back home, I get a text from a good friend of mine who passed by in the afternoon to say hello, and as I have broken my silent, I welcomed him with lots of joy, we went for a walk, talked and embrace the moment of friendship again. blend, extra-virgin olive oil adds richness, and lemon juice, I Love Vegan features 180+ delicious vegan recipes: homestyle comfort food, healthy recipes, quick and easy meals, and affordable eats. Raw Love Recipes Promote Your Page Too. Raw Love Recipes Fan Page on Facebook. Also prepared another snack before for the kids, I felt so happy cooking preparing and making stuff... lots of Metta was filling my heart... and serving... such a wonderful feeling. Coming back home, & before going in the building, I see an old lady trying to walk with her cane, and she simply says, oh wonderful, wonderful sun and breeze... slowly we open a small conversation, and I get to know that this was her first day out walking, as she had an injury, and AVC few years ago, many cancers, and lately a hip operation, and her Dr. recommended her to go out and walk, but she couldn't find any help, or personnel to help her walk... and we do have a downhill walk - which she is afraid to take alone- and in the conversation before I offer my assistance she mentioned that finally she was able to find a company that they will send her people to walk her out twice per week. I just had my green juice which was awesome, I believe this one was with Pear. Raw Recipes: delicious & healthy. The more and more we meditate, the more and more the words of Metta at the end of the meditation session becomes vibrating. Raw Marketing Inc. -. I will keep on working. We are talking around the beginning of May 2017. We are proud to offer Natural Organic Raw Vegan Foods that are Gluten Free and Paleo. The big prices: D for detox program & Vitamix A2300 simply by signing up to the Self-Healing Therapy customized program! Breakfast sets the stage for the rest of your day, and this … only US & Canada so tag your friends along, let’s find a way to bring joy to people in these tough days! I did go for a walk, wonderful sun, sat down at the top, near the chalet to sunbath a bit, watching the people enjoying their moments.. jogging, skating, biking, loving their partners, playing with their kids, a wonderful scenery - may we go back to normal life where we can all be free from this confinement, be out without hesitation, no separation and no social distancing, where hugging, kissing, embracing becomes normal again. I am not sure I will share these posts yet, day after day, I think about the benefits of what people will receive after reading these... and I am not sure yet.. Prepared myself, after the cleaning, the shower, the juices, head to my sister's, got to play with the kids, prepared the dinner with my nephew. I’ve spent a lot more time traveling, trying foods at raw vegan restaurants in many states throughout the United States (California, Oregon Washington, Colorado, Utah, Pennsylvania), and around the world: London Great Britain; Paris, France; Berlin, Germany; Tulum, Mexico, and Costa Rica. Meditation after and sleep... what a wonderful resting night. The recipes are easy to make, not super time consuming or needing lot's of ingredients. Following blogs, loving blogs, copying blogs, images, and information, remember it belongs to all of us. What you’ll Need. Nama Shoyu is raw, unpasteurized so... How about trying a new Lasagna recipe? That is a blessing by itself. View recipe Cheese... yes, we do eat cheese.. we create our own made by Nuts. Barely woke up on time for the group sitting at 7 am, as the night before I went late to bed after the meditation. While eating raw potatoes may be linked to several benefits, there are also some safety and nutrition concerns to consider. I made it, and I loved it..Now, it is your turn. Wrap the beets in the foil and roast on a baking sheet for 35 to 60 minutes, or until Join in the contest on Instagram, you will surely win by simply liking, tagging 3 friends & following the sponsors @rawloverecipes @raw_healing @miyo.mtl @eshmoonholistics - you get the chance of winning from the 3rd price to the 7th & much much more! In our daily lives we often forget the most important - ourselves! Raw changed my life... and I am so grateful... You want to know more.. here is my latest podcast from July 24, 2020 with Eric Mailhot from Ericzone Podcast, In-Joy the Magic of Food...Living FoodLive in Harmony, Love and PeaceLa Reina. With a background in computer programming, the last thing I wanted to do was spend more time on the computer. Life is precious... and they are too. Following that, I Juiced again, this time I prepared 5 types of Green ColdPressed Juices. Most raw dog food feeders follow a simple ratio when creating recipes … Here is the words of the Metta day that I thought about sharing with you... it feels your heart specially after completing all the days of Vipassana. How about trying Macadam Ricotta Cheese. And she was absolutely happy... and here is Metta in its place... We spoke about energy, about eating healthy, and about sprouting, I even taught her how to make wheat-grass to make a juice with it - I know that will help a lot with her situation. Still have the other with Apple, then I will juice again. Through my experience preparing raw food all over the world from rainbow gatherings making sprouts for hundreds of people, to festivals with the Krishna Kitchen, I’ve preferred the face to face intimate gatherings as a way to share my passion for raw vegan foods. I see all these people with VR, in Black, but also with chips... in the brain, on one of the sides, ad you can see it clearly, and as if they are being told, and guided, how to move, what is the next step, how to jump, how to group together and fight, etc.... (I still remember all the details and it has been already 3 years since I had that dream, also again, it wasn't the first time I have seen it). Unlike raw garlic, roasted garlic doesn’t have any sort of bite. In my mind, in the dream, I knew I didn't want to be part of this, I have realized that I do not have all what the other people had. So yes, that is why a big smile overtook my face this am. Just before he passed by, I couldn't resist the salad I made yesterday. This article determines whether eating raw potatoes is … 2 cups packed, grated, and drained potato (half of a 1.5 lb bag of The Little Potato Company's Baby Boomers) ⅓ cup unbleached all purpose flour; 3 tbsp sliced green onion; 3 tbsp unsweetened nondairy milk; 1 tbsp cornstarch; 1 ¼ tsp salt; ½ tsp baking powder; black pepper, to taste; vegetable oil, for frying (canola, olive, or coconut all work well) optional: 2 tbsp fresh, chopped dill Even today they had a half day that I couldn't join, as well as tomorrow. It is like it was telling me.... no, DON'T take that job. Robin has worked in the raw foods industry for several years designing, developing and working in many raw foods kitchens and creating recipes, menus and diets for restaurants and individuals. In particular, amaranth is a good source of manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and iron. If you don’t feel like making aioli, use … Out of love for you, we have created delicious and healthy recipes. ALL I can say is HOLY CRAP! “Life is too short not to eat raw and it’s even shorter if you don’t.”, Over the course of the next year, I will be publishing a series of ebooks with recipes cultivated over the years in different categories. This creates caramelization and a natural and delicious flavor for your recipe. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. & realized, I might still have an option to escape, and all I need to do is to find someone who would join me... as only few are still left with no equipments on. Amazing gifts giveaways many incredible sponsors joined in! It is 10:00 already... my morning was slower then any other one, specially when you allow yourself checking some social media... and see this plandemic news out there... the really weird stories... removing our rights are humans to be... and this bigger society wanting to enslave the population... go figure. Picture Window theme. Place the zucchini in a large bowl, toss with drizzles of the dressing, then transfer the zucchini to a platter. photos below. Followers. Develop the flavor of a recipe by browning raw beef with high heat. The time has come now, that I realize the importance of sharing what I’ve learned along the way. Ref: book - Gem Set in Gold (usually for students who completed their 10 day course). All without overusing salt. Drizzle … Up to watch the discourse, pack my stuff and food and head to see the family... & maybe prepare dinner. It is only 14:14. So This morning, Day 11, I woke up also few minutes before the 7 am group sitting, wonderful meditation, followed by questions and answers. That night, I remember I was with my sister and her family in Val-David, where we rented a chalet and decided to stay there for the weekend. It will be running only for USA & Canada due to delivery limitations. I am so grateful. Your email address will not be published. Discover the world of RAW food that will nourish every part of your body. Enlighten Smoothie Bowl. It is extremely nutritious: it includes both omega 3 fats (from the chia seeds), cruciferous vegetables (the cauliflower), and plant-based protein. All details in the post - make sure to take the time to read & check all the gifts! 100% RAW LOVE was originally created to support Melanie Maria, a raw chef from Berlin, Germany on her over 2 year long healing journey of cancer. All we thought about is getting the hell out of here as, I personally, didn't want to be controlled by Machines and Artificial Intelligence. I think my cravings are getting stronger due to PMsing. Time to get ready to meditate my last for the Day 9, and sleep for another day to blossom... Day 10! I’m gonna be running a giveaway holidays gifts from November 20 till December 4 ( winners will be announced on December 5th), All on my Raw Love Recipes Instagram account. Prior  to the dream, a friend of mine in New had a job opening for a VR informative store, and he needed someone to organize and manage events, so I thought being an event planner, why not applying. Feeling accomplished already, and so ready to start sharing the Metta of my merits, although Metta day is on Day 10... just after yesterday's events.. and this morning's beautiful message, which I will share in few, all I can say, may this world awaken to the real truth, & find this truth within, to connect to Love and GOD. I have never met this lady before, even though she lives on the same floor as mine... she said that it has been 7 years that she is home. Recipes / Leave a Comment Over the years, I had added recipes here and there at We made a really nice vegetable mix in the oven; Cauliflower, onions, garlic, potatoes, red and green pepper, spices, like turmeric, provincial herbs, nutmeg, 7 spices, olive oil and avocado oil. I didn't even have an idea of what I was going to e... Nama Shoyu Definition: In Japanese, nama means raw (or unpasteurized) and shoyu means soy sauce. I spent the whole afternoon and evening there... my day was filled, then had home to rest... which was really really later.. until well combined. I feel this day was a marathon, and it is not done yet. I am sure more is about to happen too.... always blessing, always protection and always love. Use a vegetable peeler to peel the zucchini into thin strips. I didn't take a photo and they are currently in the Fridge cooling. MOOJI Meditation ॐ Return to Innocence. Place each beet on a piece of foil and drizzle generously with olive oil and pinches of sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. Guess what it is!!! The moment I found one, we starting planning our escape, discussing how we can find the exit, watching the guards at every corner, their exchange timings, and doing everything to get out of this hell, not knowing what is awaiting for us outside. My RAW Popular Posts. I can't wait for everything to open again, so we can fly to be with them, hug them, spend time with them, and enjoy every moment. I remember that night really well, as I woke up from this night mare sweating, unbalanced and so rejecting what was coming. The perfect thing to do to feel fresh, and ready for the new beginning. I am SO excited, and I will eventually be trying every one of them (though I’m not a fan of the taste of fish, I will still try the raw vegan recipes”. So yesterday and today, It played, I didn't snooze it and I listened, I listened to every word shared.... and oh, I simply got goosebumps every where in my being. I am sharing it with you maybe you will use it as your alarm so when you need to awaken... you awaken to your truth and to your life. 1 cup medjool dates (pitted) a pinch of salt. Remove dough and form into a loaf Please do follow the accounts should you be interested to win! Pressed the juices for the day, been using the same recipes from before, only this one I added a new type with Oranges. Thanks for collaborating & spreading the love energy and giveaways! With the juicing of Ginger and Lime, I made a batch with Ginger and a batch with the mix. Tips to adapt both raw ground beef and beef crumbles in your standardized recipes. Guess what my attention went on... REBIRTH..... not the fat... Rebirth.... a nice message, isn't it... another push for the Magic of Life. 2 talking about this. Grilled Steak Salad with Beets and Scallions. Creating Raw Dog Food Recipes. Ans I remember that nightmare really well, as it was about VR, Virtual reality. In the meantime, I will be participating in live online classes with Lets Cook Raw, and will be available for one on one consultations.When the books are published on the website, I will also offer classes based on the recipe themes.I look forward to creating raw vegan love with all of you!Love,Ocean, Your email address will not be published. 2 tbsp love beets powder. Didn't even get the time to watch the discourse. Over the years, I had added recipes here and there at If you are curious to learn more about why I was happy to see that word... beside that I am on the challenge... it is also related to my name, one, and second, if you look into by. Popping them was interesting, no oil, nothing.. just heat the pot, wait for it to be really hot, put one teaspoon and it pops in seconds.. put the first batch on the side and pop slowly the rest, each teaspoon at a time... and make sure not to burn them... add some salt and enjoy.... More craving for sweets came after.... so in my mind, thinking what can I mix together and enjoy a sweet taste... and Boom. You can enjoy all recipes without feeling guilty, we don't add any refined sugars and all recipes are vegan. I think I will keep on doing that as it has a LOT of nutritional benefits. Guys, if you’re into raw vegan, you HAVE to get this book! & I found that that his BD and mine are 7 days apart! Ambassador for Healthy Vibrant Lifestyle, Positive Thinking & Energy Healing. Along with other detox programs, gifts and discounts! For me, since I have taken this course in 2015, so many things have changed in my life... you can even read about it in the post about Vipassana which I posted in 2017. (Products must be related to healthy plant based food, coaching programs, healthy lifestyle). There are so many people out there who are alone... and they are not getting the help they need... so if you are reading this, and know anyone who need such assistance and for a reason or another can not provide it yourself, please do let me know, and I will be happy to be of service. Following last night's last insights, and after having an evening shower, I decided to give myself a hair cut... simply to feel fresh!
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