When we open our doors to innovative new businesses, those businesses will power our economy. Gov. Especially with our surplus, we must remain vigilant to safeguard these funds, and not to view them as just extra cash laying around to be raided for any number of programs or projects, no matter how well-intentioned. That is why this blueprint for the middle class matters. So, together, let’s get to work. They are now working together on joint investments in infrastructure and renovations at New York Penn Station that will improve the customer experience. We should listen to them and do this together. That is how our system works best. Yet, here we are, paying the price for past years of pushing problems down a broken road. Governor Murphy's Fiscal Year 2020 Budget Address Speech Read More. A stress reliever. This budget maintains all of this progress. I thank Senate President Sweeney, Speaker Coughlin, and Senator Scutari for their partnership. The resumed budget process officially begins with Murphy offering up his revised budget plan for the 2021 fiscal year during a public address planned for Tuesday morning in Piscataway. Our new Congressional delegation, along with those from our neighboring states, Democrats and Republicans alike, announced legislation to restore the full middle-class SALT deduction by, in part, simply asking the wealthiest to go back to paying what they paid in 2017. A diet. That would raise new revenue to obviate the need for major spending cuts during the pandemic. Andy Beshear delivers his proposed state budget to lawmakers. They are also taxpayers. I spoke directly to it in October, when I released my economic master plan. In this budget, affordability is about the smart and honest investment of our resources where they will do the most good … where they can create broad opportunity for many as opposed to just rewarding a privileged few ... where they can rebuild our middle class, rather than milk it. We are ever-mindful that the opioid epidemic was ravaging our cities long before it made headlines. It will make New Jersey more affordable across the board. This is an unfinished item from last year’s to-do list. These are landmark achievements in strengthening the middle class and making New Jersey a national leader. By anybody’s standard, over $1.1 billion in sustainable savings is real and substantial. This budget will grow our surplus even more in Fiscal 2020, to nearly $1.2 billion. TRENTON – Governor Phil Murphy today presented his Fiscal Year 2020 (FY2020) budget – a plan to put New Jersey on a responsible path forward through over $1.1 billion in sustainable savings and support for our middle class through targeted investments in NJ TRANSIT, school funding, social services, and property tax relief. In every respect, we commit to reforming our criminal justice system for the better. Former Governors. Of course, we heard the word “affordability” a lot over those eight years. Transparency: In a normal year, lawmakers hold public hearings to scrutinize departmental budget requests and other proposed spending before an appropriations bill is drafted and sent to the governor for adoption. We need an economy that embraces the future but stays true to the values of rewarding hard work, creating opportunity, and providing the tools people need to succeed. These savings will allow us to take the steps we need to move New Jersey forward. This time around, Murphy’s spending plan will cover just nine months instead of the typical 12, thanks to another decision made earlier this year that delayed the start of the state’s traditional fiscal year by three months, also in response to the health crisis. These babies are far from the only vulnerable New Jerseyans this budget seeks to help. This budget is how we make real the promise of a stronger and fairer state that works for every family. That is why slowing the growth of property taxes to a record low matters. Governor Murphy Delivers State of the State Address January 15, 2019 Remarks as Prepared for Delivery Speech Read More. I also thank Human Services Commissioner Carole Johnson for her knowledgeable leadership in finding an additional quarter-of-a-billion dollars in recoverable Medicaid funds, plus millions more in other efficiencies that will allow us to maximize our federal dollars while protecting beneficiaries. But business-lobbying groups have cautioned against such tax changes, arguing they could impact many businesses still struggling to survive during the pandemic. As I mentioned we have also identified another $200 million-plus in departmental savings opportunities throughout the budget, which we will apply this year. NJ Spotlight News exists in part thanks to generous foundation support, including our founding funders the Community Foundation of New Jersey, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, and the William Penn Foundation -- as well as the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Fund for New Jersey, the Peter and Carmen Lucia Buck Foundation, the Wyncote Foundation, and the Healthcare Foundation of New Jersey, and the Nicholson Foundation. Spending: During a normal fiscal year, the state spends nearly $40 billion. This budget will ask employers with 50 or more employees on Medicaid to pay a small Corporate Responsibility Fee of $150 for each one of these employees. NJ Governor Proposes Budget That Boosts School, Transit Aid New Jersey Democratic Gov. In his opening to the address, Gov. This budget will grow our investment in Community College Opportunity Grants to reach a total of 18,000 students in the 2019-2020 academic year at every community college – and more of them will be pursuing a degree full-time. Google™ Translate is an online service for which the user pays nothing to obtain a purported language translation. We must remember that each number we write into the budget is a face – the face of one of millions of New Jerseyans looking to us to put aside our differences to overcome our challenges. Last year, I proposed a budget that significantly cut back on the use of one-shots, and this budget once again maintains that example. Two: Stabilizing New Jersey’s credit-worthiness through responsible fiscal stewardship. Last year, four clinics were added where residents could receive family planning services, and an entirely new health clinic opened at Rutgers-Newark. Skip to Main Content. The address will be livestreamed on YouTube. Gov. The user is on notice that neither the State of NJ site nor its operators review any of the services, information and/or content from anything that may be linked to the State of NJ site for any reason. Members of the Cabinet. Lindenwold’s Aurelio Sotelo is a finance student at Rutgers-Camden thanks, in part, to the Educational Opportunity Fund. Our current budget began the long process of turning around an agency that had been hollowed-out by years of disinvestment and mismanagement, leaving customers as second-class citizens and hurting our economic well-being. Gov. This budget maintains this commitment to our kids and our public schools – starting with an additional $206 million to ramp-up to the full K-through-12 formula funding. Last year, commuters were spared a fare hike. Phil Murphy delivers address on his revised budget at SHI Stadium, Rutgers University. You heard that number right – over $1.1 billion in real and sustainable savings. Phil Murphy Signs Revised NJ Budget: Here's What It Will Do - Toms River, NJ - WATCH: Gov. Together, just a month ago, we put our state on a path to a $15 an hour minimum wage. In addition, we will do more to alleviate the costs pushed onto our Medicaid system by large employers who leave workers to rely on Medicaid, instead of offering a health care plan. We can provide strategic incentives without hurting our ability to reinvest in the things that bolster our economy and help our businesses, like education and property tax relief, workforce development, and NJ TRANSIT. I ask you to find the last time we had consecutive years of billion-dollar-plus surpluses. John Reitmeyer has covered state and local government in New Jersey for more than 20 years, and for the last five years with NJ Spotlight News. These commitments mean we can continue to be a national leader in the delivery of high-quality public education. Our taxpayers overwhelmingly support this, across party lines and across the state. Jan. 15. This can keep hundreds of extra dollars a year in their pockets. Lieutenant Governor Oliver. Eleven credit downgrades drove up costs and pushed down our reputation. As with our other efforts, I know the people of New Jersey will support us. Murphy is expected to propose close to his original, 12-month spending goal, counting the stopgap budget, to cover the deferrals and also avoid major cuts to important frontline services. Jim Florio says he feels fine after briefly receiving medical attention Tuesday following Gov. And, through the Clean Energy Fund, we will put more than $70 million back to work to make critical investments in our clean-energy economy. Murphy has signed a new budget that will seek … Gov. That’s the opposite of tax fairness. Governor delivers his revised Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Address at SHI stadium in Rutgers University on Tuesday, August 25, 2020 (Edwin J. Tor (Edwin J. Torres/Governor’s Office) This budget maintains our commitment, so we can continue to build upon this progress. Public schools and pensions were underfunded year after year. And, Stacey Barrio-Lothrop and Jans Heinsohn of Carbon22, an innovative medical-device manufacturer which is taking root at the Kearny Point incubator space. In my Budget Address one year ago, I called for us to enact a new way in which we provide the tax incentives that help us attract and retain businesses. We are all in this together. This budget is built upon four elements. We are as committed to them as we are to our principles, but as I have said before we can compromise on policy without compromising either our principles or our commitment to our people. We need to be stronger and fairer. I commend Governor Murphy for committing to funding these programs in today’s budget address. Senate President Sweeney, Speaker Coughlin, Majority Leaders Weinberg and Greenwald, Minority Leaders Kean and Bramnick, and members of the 218th Legislature. Together, we are beginning to properly fund our public schools, strengthening a public education engine that is the foundation for the middle class – and, at the same time, providing much needed property tax relief. Most importantly, this is the right step for eliminating decades-old and persistent racial and social inequities. But it is also our chance to create an entirely new state-based industry with the potential to create thousands of good-paying jobs, expand opportunities for minority business owners, and jumpstart billions of dollars in new economic activity. It saves them.”  It goes further, “A living wage is an antidepressant. We can do this on a parallel track as we work on our final budget, and we can enact them together. Borrowing: A law enacted by Murphy last month gives preliminary authorization for up to $9.9 billion in new debt to be issued without voter approval, including $7.2 billion in the 2021 fiscal year. May God continue to bless the great people and state of New Jersey, and the United States of America. In our work to reclaim our dominance in the innovation economy, people like Stacey and Jans, and companies like Carbon22, will lead the charge. Full stop. The following can be attributed to ACLU-NJ Executive Director Amol Sinha: Because of our investment, NJ TRANSIT was able to push forward to meet the federal government’s December 31, 2018 deadline on Positive Train Control – a feat almost no one outside our Administration, and I mean almost no one, thought possible. I thank Speaker Coughlin for leading the fight to restore this relief, and this budget maintains our commitment with $283 million in direct property tax relief for our middle-class families and seniors. Much of these significant savings were achieved through cooperation with our public employees rather than through confrontation. And, if we pass this budget’s investment, there won’t be one this year, either. This budget is the blueprint for building this New Jersey. Our license plates say, “New Jersey, the Garden State.” But even more than that, New Jersey is the middle-class state. Gov. Trenton, NJ – NJGOP Chairman Doug Steinhardt released the following statement in reaction to Governor Murphy’s budged address: “After the Governor’s 2020 budget address, it is clear that he has settled comfortably into accepting that New Jersey will always be unaffordable, and we will always be the nation’s number one exporter of jobs, businesses and family members.
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