License terms from this work, or any files containing a part of this In addition to bananas, we gathered some enormous jackfruit with a very tangy flavor, some tasty mangoes, and some pineapples of unbelievable size. But beforehand, come inspect the cabin set aside for you. ; finally, some fish of larger proportions: a one-meter jack with a prominent head, several fine bonito from the genus Scomber decked out in the colors blue and silver, and three magnificent tuna whose high speeds couldn’t save them from our trawl. In the maritime world and in the realm of geographic exploration, whales have played a major role. I had asked him nothing, but he read my thoughts, and on his own he answered the questions I was itching to address him. Don’t say that!” Conseil answered. The presence of this furnace under the waters had me extremely puzzled. Stationed on the top steps, one of the seamen undid the bolts of the hatch. . Near seven o’clock in the evening, the Nautilus lay half submerged, navigating in the midst of milky white waves. I was stretched out on the seafloor directly beneath some bushes of algae, when I raised my head and spied two enormous masses hurtling by, throwing off phosphorescent glimmers. ebook. After some minutes a sharp hissing reached my ears. Some still weren’t ripe enough, and their thick skins covered white, slightly fibrous pulps. “All right, all right!” the Canadian repeated in embarrassment. A few seamen stayed voluntarily in Vanikoro. The Nautilus was traveling at the frightful speed of forty miles per hour. “What about this channel we’re in right now?” I asked. But in the 1860s France had to treat the Tsar as an ally, and Verne’s publisher Pierre Hetzel pronounced the book unprintable. Above and below, the Ice Bank was subsiding in long gradients. What a predicament! I spotted Jidda, an important financial center for Egypt, Syria, Turkey, and the East Indies. Taking refuge in my stateroom, we stared at each other without pronouncing a word. On this island there are trees. As for the dead or dying man, he hadn’t come into the picture. It’s only fit to be sold for its weight. It rallied a number of supporters. “Yes. My nerves calmed a little, but with my brain so aroused, I did a swift review of my whole existence aboard the Nautilus, every pleasant or unpleasant incident that had crossed my path since I went overboard from the Abraham Lincoln: the underwater hunting trip, the Torres Strait, our running aground, the savages of Papua, the coral cemetery, the Suez passageway, the island of Santorini, the Cretan diver, the Bay of Vigo, Atlantis, the Ice Bank, the South Pole, our imprisonment in the ice, the battle with the devilfish, the storm in the Gulf Stream, the Avenger, and that horrible scene of the vessel sinking with its crew . Among the Brachyura, Conseil mentions some amanthia crabs whose fronts were armed with two big diverging tips, those inachus scorpions that—lord knows why—symbolized wisdom to the ancient Greeks, spider crabs of the massena and spinimane varieties that had probably gone astray in these shallows because they usually live in the lower depths, xanthid crabs, pilumna crabs, rhomboid crabs, granular box crabs (easy on the digestion, as Conseil ventured to observe), toothless masked crabs, ebalia crabs, cymopolia crabs, woolly-handed crabs, etc. “Professor Aronnax,” he said to me, “are you ready to start?”, “They’ve been alerted and are waiting for us.”. “And you can mine these veins of underwater coal?”, “You’ll watch me work them, Professor Aronnax. 8. All this dismal silence was terrifying. Luckily I was in a position to answer him. Officers were probing the increasing gloom with their night glasses. After crossing through a moderately dense thicket, we again found some plains obstructed by bushes. I couldn’t tell. Do you think I toil to gather this treasure out of selfishness? Step 5: Melt the butter in a small saucepan on the side of the grill grate. The waves grew tranquil again. Since conditions inside were universally unbearable, how eagerly, how happily, we put on our diving suits to take our turns working! It was a superb natural curiosity rather than a luxurious piece of jewelry, because I don’t know of any female ear that could handle it. There are certain Fulton-style guns perfected by the Englishmen Philippe-Coles and Burley, the Frenchman Furcy, and the Italian Landi; they’re equipped with a special system of airtight fastenings and can fire in underwater conditions. If these fins stay parallel with the boat, the latter moves horizontally. In the center of this room stood a table, richly spread. Hence you observe that sodium chloride is encountered there in significant proportions. “An unusual assortment of devilfish,” I told him, as carefree as a collector in front of an aquarium. The writer whose narratives record the lofty deeds of those heroic times is Plato himself. “Is the dugong dangerous to attack?” I asked, despite the Canadian’s shrug of the shoulders. Public opinion being pronounced, the States of the Union were the first in the field. In four minutes it had cleared the four vertical leagues separating it from the surface of the ocean, and after emerging like a flying fish, it fell back into the sea, making the waves leap to prodigious heights. Not a single object was visible past ten paces. Captain Nemo invites Professor Aronnax on a hunting trip that will take place tomorrow morning in his Crespo Island forests. “Walls were invented simply to frustrate scientists. “SIR,” CAPTAIN NEMO SAID, showing me the instruments hanging on the walls of his stateroom, “these are the devices needed to navigate the Nautilus. “Well, sir?” Ned Land went on, seeing that I hadn’t replied. I’m writing of this bold companion as I currently know him. Under such conditions, shipwrecks had to be numerous. Meanwhile, as the sun got progressively higher, it lit up the watery mass more and more. The electricians on board decided to cut the cable before fishing it up, and by eleven o’clock that evening they had retrieved the damaged part. “Only, I’ll ask your permission, sir, to address a question to you, just one.”, “You said we’d be free aboard your vessel?”, “Then I would ask what you mean by this freedom.”, “Why, the freedom to come, go, see, and even closely observe everything happening here—except under certain rare circumstances—in short, the freedom we ourselves enjoy, my companions and I.”. Anyhow it lit our way, although hazily, but I soon grew accustomed to this unique gloom, and in these circumstances I understood the uselessness of the Ruhmkorff device. I can do no better than to compare him with a powerful telescope that could double as a cannon always ready to fire. Many of our sailors swore that the monster couldn’t negotiate this passageway simply because “he’s too big for it!”. Near the afternoon it was already cruising under the immense frozen carapace of the Ice Bank. “I assume this condition is one an honest man can accept?”, “Yes, sir. The captain said a few words to his chief officer who went out immediately. Had he figured in the recent political or social upheavals of this century? We walked with steady steps that rang on the seafloor with astonishing intensity. You can climb about 100 feet up the inner base of this mountain, but then the walls overhang, they lean too far in to be scaled.”, “I can see, captain, that nature is your obedient servant, any time or any place. The captain glanced at the chart. But not knowing what he was driving at, I waited for further questions, ready to reply as circumstances dictated. This light throbbed with unprecedented vigor and activity! In 1829 the Englishman Forster, commander of the Chanticleer, laid claim to the Antarctic continent in latitude 63 degrees 26’ and longitude 66 degrees 26’. All that’s lacking is for them to be cannibals! The invalidity or They aren’t frequented by lions, tigers, panthers, or other quadrupeds. We were abreast of the tip of South America by March 31 at seven o’clock in the evening. What changes had come over him? Huge glades opened up, seemingly cleared by the hand of man, and I sometimes wondered whether some residents of these underwater regions would suddenly appear before me. “Sexto and last,” Conseil said, “the plectognaths, whose maxillary bone is firmly attached to the side of the intermaxillary that forms the jaw, and whose palate arch is locked to the skull by sutures that render the jaw immovable, an order lacking true pelvic fins and which consists of two families. Two ringdoves rounded out this extraordinary menu. In 1791, justly concerned about the fate of these two sloops of war, the French government fitted out two large cargo boats, the Search and the Hope, which left Brest on September 28 under orders from Rear Admiral Bruni d’Entrecasteaux. His dialogues Timaeus and Critias were drafted with the poet and legislator Solon as their inspiration, as it were. I promise you, not only will the Nautilus float clear, it will go farther still!”. When it rose briefly to the surface to renew our air, the hatches opened and closed as if automated. We stayed on the alert until daylight, getting ready for action. From the branch Mollusca, he mentions numerous comb-shaped scallops, hooflike spiny oysters piled on top of each other, triangular coquina, three-pronged glass snails with yellow fins and transparent shells, orange snails from the genus Pleurobranchus that looked like eggs spotted or speckled with greenish dots, members of the genus Aplysia also known by the name sea hares, other sea hares from the genus Dolabella, plump paper-bubble shells, umbrella shells exclusive to the Mediterranean, abalone whose shell produces a mother-of-pearl much in demand, pilgrim scallops, saddle shells that diners in the French province of Languedoc are said to like better than oysters, some of those cockleshells so dear to the citizens of Marseilles, fat white venus shells that are among the clams so abundant off the coasts of North America and eaten in such quantities by New Yorkers, variously colored comb shells with gill covers, burrowing date mussels with a peppery flavor I relish, furrowed heart cockles whose shells have riblike ridges on their arching summits, triton shells pocked with scarlet bumps, carniaira snails with backward-curving tips that make them resemble flimsy gondolas, crowned ferola snails, atlanta snails with spiral shells, gray nudibranchs from the genus Tethys that were spotted with white and covered by fringed mantles, nudibranchs from the suborder Eolidea that looked like small slugs, sea butterflies crawling on their backs, seashells from the genus Auricula including the oval-shaped Auricula myosotis, tan wentletrap snails, common periwinkles, violet snails, cineraira snails, rock borers, ear shells, cabochon snails, pandora shells, etc. Two months later, testimony from a certain Commander Bowen, aboard the Albemarle, alleged that rubble from shipwrecked vessels had been seen on the coast of New Georgia. I took a last look at the wounded man, then I replied: “This man will be dead in two hours.”. And yet what monsters these devilfish are, what vitality our Creator has given them, what vigor in their movements, thanks to their owning a triple heart! Indeed, under the dense foliage of this wood, a whole host of parrots fluttered from branch to branch, needing only the proper upbringing to speak human dialects. ), so this bird doesn’t take nearly as long to smoke as a turkey. For an instant I was gripped by despair. Then, dropping Ned and turning to the battleship, whose shells were showering around him: “O ship of an accursed nation, you know who I am!” he shouted in his powerful voice. I dared not hesitate, even if Captain Nemo stood before me. I replied in clear French that I wasn’t familiar with his language; but he didn’t seem to understand me, and the situation grew rather baffling. I was assaulted by nightmares. Fortunately the glass cases were solidly secured at the base and had stood fast. “Is it indiscreet to ask how you discovered this tunnel?”, “Sir,” the captain answered me, “there can be no secrets between men who will never leave each other.”. Its content was the same, but the form differed. Was he reluctant to speak further? The next day at four o’clock in the morning, I was awakened by the steward whom Captain Nemo had placed expressly at my service. “The common narwhale, or sea unicorn, often reaches a length of sixty feet. “Last night . The first ship was destroyed almost immediately. As he was saying these words, the door opened. Near midnight the sea suddenly resumed its usual hue, but behind us all the way to the horizon, the skies kept mirroring the whiteness of those waves and for a good while seemed imbued with the hazy glow of an aurora borealis. This flour was the starch-like sago, an edible substance chiefly consumed by the Melanesian peoples. You’re able to lie flush with the surface of the ocean, that I understand. That task is performed with eleven strainers, or sieves, that are pierced with different numbers of holes. In the air there passed sooty albatross with four-meter wingspans, birds aptly dubbed “vultures of the ocean,” also gigantic petrels including several with arching wings, enthusiastic eaters of seal that are known as quebrantahuesos,* and cape pigeons, a sort of small duck, the tops of their bodies black and white—in short, a whole series of petrels, some whitish with wings trimmed in brown, others blue and exclusive to these Antarctic seas, the former “so oily,” I told Conseil, “that inhabitants of the Faroe Islands simply fit the bird with a wick, then light it up.”, “With that minor addition,” Conseil replied, “these fowl would make perfect lamps! or entity providing it to you may choose to give you a second I viewed him as outside humanity, beyond all feelings of compassion, the implacable foe of his fellow man, toward whom he must have sworn an undying hate! It was more than twenty-five feet long; its enormous mouth occupied a third of its body. Near two o’clock in the morning, I went to snatch a few hours of sleep. And yet if one of those conical shells had scored a routine hit on the Nautilus’s hull, it could have been fatal to him. The next day, February 14, I decided to spend a few hours studying the fish of this island group; but for whatever reason, the panels remained hermetically sealed. They will even go so far as to poison the springs where these fowl habitually drink. “That’s not important,” the captain replied evasively. In fact, it takes no less than sixteen dozen of these headless mollusks to supply the 315 grams that satisfy one man’s minimum daily requirement for nitrogen. Chief Executive and Director Several times ten or twelve of them teamed up, trying to crush the Nautilus with their sheer mass. This Wailea oysterbank must have been extensive, and for certain, if they hadn’t been controlled by numerous natural checks, these clusters of shellfish would have ended up jam-packing the bay, since as many as 2,000,000 eggs have been counted in a single individual. “Myself,” Conseil replied, “and at master’s command.”, “That collision threw you overboard along with me?”, “Not at all. These fish followed us in schools and supplied our table with very dainty flesh. And as for their speech, it’s utterly incomprehensible.”, “That’s the nuisance in not knowing every language,” Conseil replied, “or the drawback in not having one universal language!”, “Which would all go out the window!” Ned Land replied. Accordingly, the wags claimed that this slippery rascal had waylaid some passing telegram and was making the most of it. I realized that its spur had just bumped a block of ice. Captain Nemo was there, leaning over the organ, deep in a musical trance. The Nautilus adopted an average speed of twenty-six miles per hour, the speed of an express train. In the midst of the general silence, a voice became audible. He discovered that the fifth compartment had been invaded by the sea, and the speed of this invasion proved that the leak was considerable. violates the law of the state applicable to this agreement, the By July 3 we were at the entrance to the Strait of Magellan, abreast of Cabo de las Virgenes. Some crewmen were at their last gasp. The devilfish doesn’t belong to the vertebrate branch, and even if it were 500 feet long, it would still be utterly harmless to ships like the Scotia or the Abraham Lincoln. “Because,” I said, “if I can trust my hunches, if I truly understand the captain’s way of life, his Nautilus isn’t simply a ship. Besides, he seemed silent and preoccupied. For my part, I noted only some loggerhead turtles with long carapaces. “But where does he get those millions?” Ned Land asked. The mussels of certain streams in Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Saxony, Bohemia, and France.”, “Good!” the Canadian replied. Its speed steadily decreases as it advances northward, and we must pray that this steadiness continues, because, as experts agree, if its speed and direction were to change, the climates of Europe would undergo disturbances whose consequences are incalculable. Mouth and teeth! But the ship’s air tanks were nearly empty. After five steps I encountered an iron wall made of riveted boilerplate. They were the actual military orders given by France’s Minister of the Navy to Commander La PΘrouse, with notes along the margin in the handwriting of King Louis XVI! “A thousand years,” the Canadian replied without hesitation. Ned Land and Conseil stood next to me. “Haven’t seen or heard a thing!” the Canadian replied. Three holes, protected by heavy glass, allowed us to see in any direction with simply a turn of the head inside the sphere. Bony fish are subdivided into six orders. I dreamed—one doesn’t choose his dreams—that my life had been reduced to the vegetating existence of a simple mollusk. This height had tripled since the moment the Nautilus had dived beneath the waves. “Master must learn patience,” said the emotionless Conseil. I would be dead first! I could already feel a definite pain around my pelvic girdle. But how would he receive our demands for freedom? Polyps and echinoderms abounded on the seafloor: various isis coral, cornularian coral living in isolation, tufts of virginal genus Oculina formerly known by the name “white coral,” prickly fungus coral in the shape of mushrooms, sea anemone holding on by their muscular disks, providing a literal flowerbed adorned by jellyfish from the genus Porpita wearing collars of azure tentacles, and starfish that spangled the sand, including veinlike feather stars from the genus Asterophyton that were like fine lace embroidered by the hands of water nymphs, their festoons swaying to the faint undulations caused by our walking. Captain Nemo’s treasures were enhanced by some valuable exhibits from the delphinula snail species, to which I joined some pointed star coral, a sort of parasitic polypary that often attaches itself to seashells. I observed that all these exhibits from the vegetable kingdom were attached to the seafloor by only the most makeshift methods. “This convoy was supposed to put into Cadiz, but after learning that the English fleet lay across those waterways, the admiral decided to make for a French port. No longer was it an ice stream, patch, or field—it was an endless, immovable barrier formed by ice mountains fused to each other. He stared at the ship, which stayed to his leeward five or six miles off. Indeed, it was essential to beat a retreat because some twenty natives, armed with bows and slings, appeared barely a hundred paces off, on the outskirts of a thicket that masked the horizon to our right. The family Delphinia numbers ten genera, and the dolphins I saw were akin to the genus Delphinorhynchus, remarkable for an extremely narrow muzzle four times as long as the cranium. However, to the Abraham Lincoln’s credit, it must be said that we struggled on with tireless persistence. “Me? “I never touch the flesh of land animals.”. In essence, a whaling vessel had reported that some medals and a Cross of St. Louis had been found in the hands of savages in the Louisiade Islands and New Caledonia. The propeller was instantly set in motion, and the log gave our speed as twenty miles per hour. Jules Verne (1828-1905) published the French equivalents of these words in 1869, and little has changed since. Thanks to the perfection of our equipment, we had thus gone ninety meters below the limit that nature had, until then, set on man’s underwater excursions. It will at least convey the quickness of my observations. So, after inquiries conducted in England, France, Russia, Prussia, Spain, Italy, America, and even Turkey, the hypothesis of an underwater Monitor was ultimately rejected. In these deep strata would I meet up with more of Captain Nemo’s companions, friends he was about to visit who led lives as strange as his own? Therefore I obey none of its regulations, and I insist that you never invoke them in front of me!”. Meanwhile I was examining this unusual bird. His movements were systematically executed, and for half an hour no danger seemed to threaten him. So the skiff didn’t leave shipside that day, much to the displeasure of Mr. Land who couldn’t complete his provisions. Never had caudal equipment thrashed the sea with such power. It rested serenely, sheltered from the sea’s motions, under a pressure favorable to the transmission of that electric spark that goes from America to Europe in 32/100 of a second. I can see Captain Nemo’s bearing to this day. And I’m certainly not far off when I estimate its value at 2,000,000 . Some of these teeth have been found buried in the bodies of baleen whales, which the narwhale attacks with invariable success. When I turned around, I could still see the Nautilus’s whitish beacon, which was starting to grow pale in the distance. People say they’ve sighted this slippery beast again in the Pacific high seas—I’m truly willing to believe it, but two months have already gone by since then, and judging by your narwhale’s personality, it hates growing moldy from hanging out too long in the same waterways! And so it turned out. They had come to pull up the nets left in our wake during the night. Compared to the vast liquid plains of the Pacific, the Mediterranean is a mere lake, but it’s an unpredictable lake with fickle waves, today kindly and affectionate to those frail single-masters drifting between a double ultramarine of sky and water, tomorrow bad-tempered and turbulent, agitated by the winds, demolishing the strongest ships beneath sudden waves that smash down with a headlong wallop.
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