One of the results of racial profiling has been another major problem, which is police brutality. According to Durlauf (2005), the normative theory claims that there is no set of morals which is acceptable for the universe and that each culture has their way of life. That case sparked a nationwide outcry about racial profiling and police brutality. The professor was henceforth arrested for disorderly conduct. It is therefore not a logical explanation to state that the prisons are dominated by the blacks when indeed they were responsible for the crimes committed. Against Racial Profiling and/or other forms of profiling in dealing with security and immigration issues. Examples Of Exploring Racial Profiling 1177 Words | 5 Pages. Race and location are the dominant characteristics authorities look at when engaging in this type of profiling. Racial profiling in America after the 9/11 bombing was a measure used to protect the people of America. The question is how does this theory relate to the ethical principles and does it pose a moral dilemma as the perpetrator's state? All the work should be used in accordance with the appropriate policies and applicable laws. Cultural relativism refers to the fact that there are different cultures which have their unique set of values compared to other cultures. Racial profiling is the act of suspecting or targeting a person of a certain race based on a stereotype about their race. This proposition means that we should not make judgments towards other communities based on their culture or characteristics. However, the law was upheld by the Supreme Court and with time five more states took up the legislation. January 27, 2021 | 4:23pm. This behavior runs rampant in today’s society. University of Kansas professors found the police conducted investigatory stops of African American males at twice the rate of whites. Examples Of Racial Profiling. According to Coates (2004), statistics it is very likely for African-Americans to be arrested more than their white counterparts and 60% of the total prison population is dominated by the native African –American. Ariel Abreu 11th - English Thesis Class Racial Profiling Introduction: Racial profiling is the use of an individual's race or ethnicity as a key factor in deciding if the person should enforce such things on the other person. But racial profiling opponents cite research they say proves the practice is ineffective. Racial profiling is the act of suspecting or targeting a person based solely on assumptions and characteristics of a certain racial group, rather than the person's actual behavior. According to the data, Black drivers--accounting for 17 percent of the population--made up 70 percent of drivers searched and had a 28.4 percent chance of carrying contraband. © 2021 Sivin, Miller & Roche LLP. There is little evidence that racial profiling is … Example Thesis On Racial Profiling. In some towns it is illegal for such a person to be walking around without their legal documents and a police officer will often stop you as many times as possible and even though one may have their documents with them, any suspicious behavior or comment can warrant an arrest (Persico,2002). If you are the original author of this essay and no longer wish to have it published on the Racial profiling has a long history in the United States. Since slavery African Americans have endured racism because of their personality. Many people are familiar with the phrase “driving while black,” which occurs when police pull over a driver for committing a minor traffic infraction that the cops likely would have looked the other way for with a white driver. For allies, responding to microaggressions involves a few key strategies. Thesis On Racial Profiling 1285 Words | 6 Pages. In main words, it’s just basically stereotyping. Since then counter-terrorism legislations have emerged, and the United Nations Committee which aims at fighting racial discrimination is fighting these legislations stating that they will lead to profiling of the Muslims and the Arabs in places like Australia and the United States. The survey responses are alarming. 23 sentence examples: 1. The law was meant to reduce the rate of illegal immigrants in the states though many deemed it as an unethical practice. Would you like to get this essay by email? This process of racial profiling violates people’s civil rights, and is used by many agencies of law enforcement such as police, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and various other agencies. Pampel (2004) cited by Kim(2004), identified such behavior whereby Hispanics near the Mexican border faced constant scrutiny from police officers harassing them to release their official documents. On behalf of Sivin, Miller & Roche LLP | Monday Feb 26, 2018 | Police Misconduct. Racial Profiling Racial profiling has been a very heated issue from past few years. This claim, however, was not criticized by many since the main perpetrators of the crime attested that they had a lot of inside men. Valuing companies with assets that are said to be intangible. Racial profiling seems to be big in law enforcement. The theory states that so long as poverty is increasing then the more the community is likely to have less interest in welfare involvement. Exploring Racial Profiling and Implicit Biases “Racial profiling punishes the innocent individuals for the past actions of those who look and sound like them. The reason in Racial or ethnic profiling in policing has been defined as “the use by the police, with no objective and reasonable justification, of grounds such as race, colour, languages, religion, nationality or national or ethnic origin in control, surveillance or investigation activities”. In response to a lawsuit, the State of New Jersey released 91,000 pages of police records documenting a consistent pattern of racial profiling in motor vehicle stops along the New Jersey Turnpike. The evidence that backs up this racial profiling claim is static from the nation urban league. Racial profiling mainly is miss-instruction, bondage, and imprisonment. All Rights Reserved. Racial Profiling in America is it Nonexistent in Law Enforcement . The issue of racial profiling and concerns if the practice should be banned by the attorney general and the Supreme Court has continued to be contended among many (Johnson,2004). Racial profiling and the right to freedom. Here are some examples of this occuring: Tulia, Texas - Ten percent People are therefore considered guilty without trial and Stories about Racial Profiling | American Civil Liberties Union According to Coates (2004), the primary objective of the ethical relativism theory is to make people appreciate other people’s culture since everyone is brought up in different social settings, cultures and exposed to various social institutions. We are using Google Analytics to enhance your experience. Ethics calls for equal rights and respect among all with no regard to attributes such as race, tribe, ethnicity or religion. to you via live chat, To get this sample, please, contact our support managers, and they will send it to you via email. Who is stopped by the police, either in cars or on foot, continues to be highly racialized as proof of racial profiling continues to accumulate. © 2021 All rights reserved. In a state like Arizona, they passed a law in 2010 known as the SB 1070 whereby police officers have the authority to stop any individual of Hispanic, Latino or Asian origin and require them to immediately produce their nationality documents failure to which they face arrest. Local police deny that have used racial profiling when stopping motorists. This essay will also be useful for students who are looking for well-written racial profiling essay examples in an attempt to develop their own writing skills. Profiling by proxy represents a new development in racial profiling: racial and ethnic minorities suffering extra police attention while not engaged in criminal behavior, but in this version, at the instigation of white civilians. A few people wonder what is racial profiling. Advocate state that the practice violates the fundamental human rights and should be put to a stop. The two women were identified by their skin color and questioned by police, even though the accuser admitted she could not remember any other descriptive features. According to Johnson (2004), the urban disadvantage and deprivation theory states that marginalized communities are more likely to engage in crime due to their social disadvantage. As director of research for the Perception Institute, Godsil said racial profiling has a broad ripple effect on everyone. Racial profiling has existed for a long time now. According to Johnson (2004), the theory of relativism is a theory that postulates that a person bases their actions as right or wrong according to their culture and how they were brought up. Additionally, consider buying a professionally written essay if you are having troubles creating a racial profiling essay of your own. Disclaimer: According to Parker (2004), even if some of the terror attacks have been associated with Muslims, the general idea is that all of them are terrorists who can strike at any time. Whom they had sent to the country to collect information for them to ensure they had the correct strategy of when and how to strike. For example, if the cops smell alcohol on a person’s breath in the vehicle, then they could search the car to see if there are any open containers. According to Coates (2004), in the recent years, there have been constant complaints about the role of racial profiling in aggravating discrimination and biased prejudices among the Americans and law enforcement authorities. Identify the issue the author addresses in the article. The descriptive ethical relativism states that norms and morals sometimes compare or contrast. The ethnic, geographic and racial profiling goes into assembl Most Of us refer to situations in our growing up where one was told that something is wrong or right and also made observations of how people lived and. 1. The black community’s association with crimes of a drug offense, robbery, and cold blood murder is not the only form of profiling prevalent in the states. This theory discredits racial profiling as it generalizes that all people share the same views about life. The Bottom Line. Fortunately, the number of stop-and-frisks have gone down in the state in recent years. racial profiling meaning: 1. the practice by the police of thinking that people of a particular race or colour will behave in…. Racial profiling has been around for as long as we can remember, the discrimination practice by the law enforcement officials of targeting individuals for suspicion of crime based on the individuals’ race, ethnicity or religion. This practice takes place in many more states where the police have no other reason to pull a person over and stop a person walking down a street. Stop-and-frisk. For example, in a recent incident, employees of a restaurant chain called law enforcement and claimed two black women were guilty of skipping out on their bill. When the police officer arrived, Henry asked to see a badge or formal identification as part of his rights; and the officer refused to lead to Gates condemning him for profiling. According to Johnson (2004), the theory of relativism is a theory that postulates that a person bases their actions as right or wrong according to their culture and how they were brought up. Learn more. Examples of racial profiling include but are not limited to the following: • Initiating a motor vehicle stop on a particular vehicle because of the race, ethnicity, or national origin of the driver of a vehicle Racial profiling is a despicable act where people in positions of power suspect someone has committed a crime based on the color of his or her skin. The theory of social disorganization was postulated by Shaw and McKay in 1942 and attempts to explain the contribution of community conditions and structure to increasing crime rates and degradation of moral values. After the September 11 terror attacks, a lot of Muslims and citizens of Iraq origin were arrested and forcefully detained due to their ethnicity. 2. It can occur when a store employee follows a customer of color around the store because the employee assumes persons of color are likely to steal. skin, which is known as racial profiling.Racial profiling is the suspicion of certain races or ethnicities for committing or being involved in a crime. Here are three common examples of racial profiling. When police officers pull over any driver, they do not have a right to search the vehicle unless there is suspicion a crime is active. Racial profiling is a form of discrimination which violates basic human rights and contributes to inefficient and ineffective policing. According to Myers (2002), the Muslim fraternity has always been assumed to be related to terror attacks and face a lot of racial profiling based on this assumption. It is alleged that terrorists who desired to destroy United States originated from the Middle East or other countries, which were predominantly Muslim. is a custom writing service that provides online on-demand writing work for assistance purposes. Examples of racial profiling are the use of race to determine which drivers to stop for minor traffic violations (commonly referred to as "driving while black or brown"), or the use of race to determine which pedestrians to search for illegal contraband. Examples of racial profiling are the use of race to determine which drivers to stop for minor traffic violations (commonly referred to as 'driving while black, Asian, Native American, Middle Eastern, Hispanic, or brown'), or the use of race to determine which pedestrians to search for illegal contraband. Enter your email to get this essay sample. According to Aguirre (2004), the Hispanics and Latin-Americans face the constant scrutiny of whether or not they are illegal nationals and often have to be dragged down to the prescient for questioning. Community conditions include low standards of living, exposure to harsh conditions like growing up in a neighborhood of drug abuse and racial discrimination which all contribute to change in behavior and moral degradation. This theory states that the level of social disorganization exhibited by a community can be a great indicator of crime and act as a basis for social profiling. One cannot ignore the positive impact it has had on the general society, but then it has also led to abuse of rights of the minorities. Police brutality is yet another misconduct of police. This behavior runs rampant in today’s society. Racial profiling is a despicable act where people in positions of power suspect someone has committed a crime based on the color of his or her skin. Racial profiling has been around but is it unnecessary for the world that we live in today. This relativism makes exposures diverse, and so we cannot share the same values. A racial profiling essay may require a student, among other things, to discuss the origin, prevalence or effects of racial profiling in a given country. “From 2002 to 2011, black and Latino residents made up close to 90 percent of people stopped, and about 88 percent of stops more than 3.8 million were innocent New Yorkers.” … It is illegal, […] Let us edit it for you at only $7.00 to make it 100% original! Sorry, but it's not possible to copy the text due to security reasons. With something as subjective as smell, the cops could theoretically claim to smell alcohol or marijuana to search a vehicle without obtaining a warrant first. It is “the use of excessive and/or unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilians”. The issue of racial profiling and concerns if the practice should be banned by the attorney general and the Supreme Court has continued to be contended among many (Johnson,2004). On behalf of Sivin, Miller & Roche LLP | Monday Feb 26, 2018 | Police Misconduct. The issue of racial profiling and concerns if the practice should be banned by the attorney general and the Supreme Court has continued to be contended among many (Johnson,2004). Many supporters of the practice of police profiling have based their argument on the fact that those minority groups targeted by the police have a high frequency of crime. It occurs on a daily basis, in cities and states all over the country. For example, since the dawn of the war on drugs in the 1980s, law enforcement agents have disproportionately targeted Black and Latino drivers for narcotics. How about making it original at only $7.00/page. 57 examples: Patrick also worked on issues including racial profiling, police misconduct… Racial profiling also includes choosing on a man for their protest of an explicit racial gathering. Racial profiling statistics are often seen in the eye of the beholder. 3. Racial profiling is the act of law enforcement targeting certain individuals due to an individual’s race and color of their skin. SpeedyPaper website, please click below to request its removal: By clicking “Claim your discount” you agree to be contacted via email, Already used you can also find it in your mailbox, Our support manager will send this sample “Shopping while black” is the same principle where an employee of a store may follow a person of color around or refuse to be helpful. Those supportive of the practice state that by performing racial profiling the law enforcement authorities can focus more on where the crimes are likely to be committed more likely. Including examples of scenarios in which an officer has engaged in racial profiling would increase the policy’s utility as a teaching tool. Examples of racial profiling in a sentence, how to use it. Are police looking for you using facial recognition. No personal data is being tracked. The question is how does this theory relate to the ethical principles and does it pose a moral dilemma as the perpetrator's state? Racial profiling is a continuous, concerning problem in the United States of America. When a community is disorganized, they litter their environmental leave their kids unattended and do little to groom their personal attributes which make them primary suspects of crimes (Aguirre, 2004). This essay has been submitted by a student. Witnesses, however, stated that Gates was aggressive and by drawing the racial card, he hit a nerve causing the police officer to be offended. One of the greatest foundations of racial issues in my opinion is Racial Profiling. 54 Of the 310 respondents, more than a third (109) admitted that they have no policy on racial profiling. Enter your email and we'll send you a properly formatted printable version of this essay right away. The police workforce profiling can be based on some theories that justify their suspicions (Johnson, 2004). The officers then conduct a frisk to see if there are any illegal substances on the individual. It misdirects crucial resources and undercuts the trust needed between law enforcement and the communities they serve. Racial profiling by French police challenged in class-action lawsuit. The main problem with New York’s stop-and-frisk policy is that it disproportionately impacts people of color. Ethics calls for equal rights and respect among all with no regard to attributes such as race, tribe, ethnicity or religion. Disclaimer | Site Map | Privacy Policy | Business Development Solutions by FindLaw, part of Thomson Reuters, Police Misconduct/Civil Rights Violations, identified by their skin color and questioned by police, 4 reasons to refuse a field sobriety test, New York prisoners face deplorable conditions, health concerns. The Asian-Americans suffer the same fate. There is also a modern one called “Living while black or brown”. Adopted that way of life. This is not an example of the work written by our professional essay writers. Here are three common examples of racial profiling. Yet there is plenty of research data and facts to suggest that there is a certain potential bias in policing when it comes to minority population. Here is a sample essay that discusses racial profiling in … When communities like the African-Americans become racially discriminated they tend to become marginalized, and they may also develop a sense of arrogance towards the law which does not protect them from such vices like discrimination and white supremacy. Most Of us refer to situations in our growing up where one was told that something is wrong or right and also made observations of how people lived and, First name should have at least 6 letters, Phone number should have at least 10 digits. Advocate state that the practice violates the fundamental human rights and should be put to a stop. There are three forms of relativism. This sample racial profiling research paper tries to establish whether racial profiling is indeed a law enforcement tool or an act of racism. Racial profiling occurs when police stop, question, search or detain a person because of their race. A black man in Kansas City, 25 or younger, has a 28 percent chance of being stopped, while a similar white male has only a 12 … Many propose that this is due to a few “bad” officers. A typical example of racial profiling by the law authorities was a case of a Harvard professor known as Henry Louis Gates who found his home broken into and his neighbor called for assistance. Those who advocate for racial profiling state that it is necessary for any government that wishes to protect its people and take precautions at all costs (Johnson, 2004). This approach indicates that a practice may be wrong in one culture but acceptable in another. Racial Profiling Trends and Analysis. According to Coates (2004), in the recent years, there have been constant complaints about the role of racial profiling in aggravating discrimination and biased prejudices among the Americans and law enforcement authorities. Such degradation accounted for most of the community members engaging in crime. According to Wilkins, & Williams (2008), it is true that the black people fraternity dominates the prisons but all these criminals went through a justice system that found them guilty of the charges brought forward. According to Wilkins, & Williams (2008), it is said that 1 out of 15 black Americans is likely to go to prison as compared to 1 out of 106 of the white people. It is not easy to speak about terrorism and not think about the Islam religion. It would, therefore, be hard to impose a strange way of life and state it superior over one where an individual grew up. Examples of racial profiling include using ones race to target specific drivers for traffic violations and destinies for illegal contraband; another prime example is the targeting of Muslims, Arabs, and South Asians since 9/1 1 in regards to minor immigrant violations without any connection to the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon (UCLA, 2005). The act of racial profiling …
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