When the 1-12 departed the secret base it headed north into the Sea of Cortez, then, after traversing nearly the full length of the sea she turned back, rounded the tip of Baja California and headed north. It's a monster submarine.' In Footnote [5] of World War II Comes To Redondo and crediting the source, the following is found: The American report gives a precise latitude/longitute location but only a general category of sinking agent (e.g. USCG cutter ROCKFORD (PF-48) and minelayer USS ARDENT (AM-340) are escorting a six-ship convoy from Honolulu to the American mainland. In a sense ending up not needing to develop or build a home grown nuclear device, simply using one of the United States' own devices to blow up one of it's own cities. However, the canal, like the Star Wars Death Star, does have its weakness. Almost every Japanese submarine was accounted for. Bill and some of his shipmates determined to try to find the submarine in her watery grave somewhere off the coast between Half Moon Bay and San Francisco." In January 1942 the Army surveyed the island for an 8,000-foot air strip and by January 24, 1942, Ecuador granted permission to proceed with essential construction. The U.S. Navy is extremely interested in occupying an abandoned underground base in Norway to store its submarines. On Monday morning July 16, 1945, the world was changed forever when the first atomic bomb was tested in an isolated area of the New Mexico desert. As well, it is not necessary to destroy the dam, just open up its spillway and lock the controls. All of a sudden out of nowhere, six American bombers flew right over us and started dropping bombs about 500 yards from the shoreline. That would mean it was the second sub that was damaged and sank outside the harbor --- which means the hull seen in 1992 could easily be that of a Japanese sub. (for the full story please click the image) Both eventually produced reports on enemy losses, the Admiralty in June 1946 and the Navy Department in February 1947. However, although remains of any such vessels have not been found in or around Magdalena Bay, there is a bevy of strong circumstantial evidence that what Van Zandt says happened did in fact happen. He believes they sank a Japanese heavy submarine. In the end it was either not pulled off or the mission ended in failure. In the book Wilcox writes about two Japanese men who could have been none other than the two my uncle encountered as well as the U-boat they arrived in, of which I turn around and write about as found in the sourced link below the quote so cited: "Wilcox's book that, for the first time brought to the public's attention Japanese agents having been in the desert southwest during World War II specifically tasked with testing soil samples for radiation, was published in 1985. And it evokes a mystery — one involving secret underground naval bases, high-tech submarines and Cold War nuclear brinkmanship. If San Nicolas Island were to have actually been selected as the designated test site from the eight, the Japanese, sea based as they were, had formulated a plan to confiscate the device directly under the noses of the Americans just prior to the test. The photograph below depicts the onetime modern interpretive dancer and choreographer Ruth St. Denis caught in motion of an impromptu dance on the sands of Morro Bay in 1916. And it evokes a mystery — one involving secret underground naval bases, high-tech submarines and Cold War nuclear brinkmanship. They took his truck, and although they left him to bleed out, thanks to some Native Americans who found him, he survived. CLAIRE CHENNAULT AND HIS FLYING TIGERS. ARDENT makes two more attacks and ROCKFORD drops 13 depth charges. DRAKE EQUATION The following has been extrapolated from The Nazi Plot To Bomb Hoover Dam, linked below: Chapter 13, pages 133 - 134. For all practical purposes the claim by the two ships remains unconfirmed as the sinking was not corroborated by Japanese documentation captured after the war --- the same Japanese documentation construed to be accurate that everybody else uses to confirm their kills. From the source so cited: made against San Diego and San Pedro first. That gap is filled by an earth dam 7,500 feet long along the top, 2,100 feet thick at the base, 397 feet thick at the water level, and 98 feet thick at the top, which is 30 feet above the normal lake level. FOOTNOTE [6] Around the time of the Van Zandt incident my uncle, after having moved from Pennsylvania some years before, had since established himself as an up-and-coming artist in and around the Santa Fe, Taos, New Mexico area and far from being any sort of an incorrigible. In 1985, a full 15 years after I became privy to the information imparted to me by my uncle regarding the two Japanese operatives taking soil samples as stated above, a book titled The Japanese Secret War authored by Robert K. Wilcox was published. Whatever reason Van Zandt pulled him off the train in Texas was never made clear, however, after a short interrogation in the train station my uncle and the other men were let go --- without their luggage, warm clothes, AND after the train had departed. It was then that several Japanese based companies began to make substantial land investments in Baja California. From at least 1943 up through the first half of 1945 the Japanese honed a serious set of new plans to attack the Panama Canal, specifically the Gatun Dam, with the attack emanating from the Atlantic side rather than the Pacific side and the Galapagos. If you had a chance to go to Footnote [1] you probably read that in the middle of the night during the dead of a freezing cold winter my uncle, along with several other men, were yanked off a train in Sanderson, Texas by the aforementioned Texas Ranger Rufus Van Zandt. When Max Miller was in La Paz in 1941 he was told by the Mexicans he met there that they saw submarines in the bay. FOOTNOTE [5] In 1926, within months of leaving the Rangers, Van Zandt became a Special Agent for the U.S. Treasury Department. Military bases and facilities, especially top secret bases, are some of the world's most frequent sites for reported UFO activity. The I-10 most likely just went to the Galapagos then to Kwajalein. The sub managed to crash-dive eventually escaping with no damage after the bomber dropped a whole bomb bay of explosives on her (some reports cite anywhere from 3 to 10 depth charges unleashed by the bomber). SINKING OF THE I-12 The two reports overlapped considerably but each published different levels of detail. So too, no mention of the attack shows up in the Navy Department's 15-volume History of United States Naval Operations in World War II one of the major go to tomes for such information and confirmation of same. The final location of the test site, given the name Trinity Site, was selected from an initial list of eight possible test sites, all in their own way, remote. It's two feet longer than our destroyer was,' Anderson says. Around the time of the Van Zandt incident my uncle, after having moved from Pennsylvania some years before, had since established himself as an up-and-coming artist in and around the Santa Fe, Taos, New Mexico area and far from being any sort of an incorrigible. FOOTNOTE [3] The Japanese threw a total of 63 bombers escorted by 25 fighters against them. Almost every Japanese submarine was accounted for. My uncle just happened to be traveling on the same train as Hudson through Mexico on the way to see the great Mexican muralist Diego Rivera who he had worked with as an artist during the depression for the WPA. The Japanese Midget Submarine was apparently offloaded from an armed merchant ship or commerce raider, with all fingers pointing to the Japanese transport ship Hakusan Maru, she being escorted at the time in the open seas south of the Aleutians by the Japanese submarine RO-64, both vessels operating out of the occupied island of Kiska, Alaska. One, to my knowledge there was no need to stop after having most recently left the La Palma Secret Base where any needed supplies, fuel and fresh water could have been obtained. According to Joe Cummings and Nikki Goth Itoi in Moon Baja, 7th Edition: The only Japanese submarine known to be operating along the west coast of the United States that late in the war was the I-12, which had attacked and sank the SS John A. Johnson two weeks before, on October 30, 1944. "Later that day radio news broadcasts said that a Japanese two-man submarine had been sighted off the coast of Redondo and it was destroyed. (No) vessel is recorded by either the British or American naval authorities as having been sunk off the West Coast of the United States at any time during the war. A then Redondo Beach resident named Max Harris and an avowed eyewitness to the midget sub washing up on the beach, who would be well into his 90s now if still alive, was age 26 at the time and, extrapolated from his own words, describes how he recalls the event: The I-12 is listed as having been lost January 31, 1945 from unknown causes. The I-10 most likely just went to the Galapagos then to Kwajalein. Records on the I-12 kept by both sides are all over the place and packed with inconsistancies. Marshals got on board and started going through each of the passenger cars looking for someone. The question would be why? 'It was 352 feet. After 1241, ARDENT makes two 'Hedgehog' projector charge attacks with negative results. At 1308, ROCKFORD makes another attack with 13 Hedgehogs. Then the record goes blank and out of nowhere it just shows up at it's home base in Kwajalein in early January 1942. FOO FIGHTERS After more explosions, contact with the submarine is lost." JAPANESE MIDGET SUBMARINES Seen in the photo is a portion of Morro Rock, an iconic Morro Bay landmark. CLAIRE CHENNAULT AND HIS FLYING TIGERS. There has been some question as to if a Japanese attack against the canal, especially the Gatun Dam, could have been pulled off. They were joined by two smaller subs capable of carrying two aircraft each, the I-13 and I-14. On December 23, 1941, six miles off the northern California coast near the community of Cambria the Japanese submarine I-21, let loose two torpedoes against the unarmed Unocal oil tanker SS Montebello with at least one of the two hitting its mark. It started for Anderson during the spring of 1945 when the destroyer he served on, the USS Willard Keith, DD-775, was returning from routine weekly training from San Francisco to San Clemente Island and back when it came into contact with an unidentified submarine off San Francisco. Rufus Van Zandt was sworn in as a Texas Ranger in 1921, being promoted to rank of Captain in July of 1922. FOOTNOTE [3] It is thought it was somewhere between the December 18th date and the December 23 date when the brave Japanese submarine captain unleashed a single torpedo against Morro Rock although the rock remained watertight and didn't sink and has continued to do so right up to this day. Am sending you this information for want of better channels to advise. JAPANESE MIDGET SUBMARINES According to Lt Cdr Shizuo Fukui of the Imperial Japanese Navy, the RO.35 was sunk in October 1943 in the Solomon Islands. So said, Spicer did tell me about the only story he was personally familiar with that involved a U.S. or American law officer and Yaqui Indians in Mexico. What really happened to the I-12? EDGE In the Canberra Times, datelined Monday November 4, 1935, the following appeared: MYSTERY FLEET OFF GALAPAGOS ISLAND ARE THEY JAPANESE? Not so many years later, because of continued positive interactions with desert southwest based Native Americans, my uncle had slowly morphed into as well, what I call a biosearcher. On January 6, 1920, with the war over, she sailed for her home port of San Pedro, California, transiting the Panama Canal. The entrance to the once-secret Soviet submarine base at Balaklava – Author: Land Rover Our Planet – CC BY 2.0 In order to create this great military giant, more than 120,000 tons of rock were dug out to form massive subterranean chambers with tunnels opening them to the waters of the Black Sea. However, the I-9 should have had plenty of fuel. dawn and coming over flying high. For all practical purposes the claim by the two ships remains unconfirmed as the sinking was not corroborated by Japanese documentation captured after the war --- the same Japanese documentation construed to be accurate that everybody else uses to confirm their kills. THE WANDERLING AND HIS UNCLE The whole event was well documented and the location was precisely known, plus she went down in only 50 feet of water yet she was not refloated and was stricken from the registry. FOOTNOTE [6] In 1985, a full 15 years after I became privy to the information imparted to me by my uncle regarding the two Japanese operatives taking soil samples as stated above, a book titled The Japanese Secret War authored by Robert K. Wilcox was published. (source) IN 1937 Chinese secret nuclear submarine base (Google Maps). Less than a week after that seaplanes were being refueled by hand from a makeshift landing ramp and pier. AREA 51, GROOM LAKE, ROSWELL However, to show how serious the Japanese were about the whole thing, in March 1945 the submarine flotilla's air squadron moved to Nanao Bay, located on the west coast of Honshu, 178 miles northeast of Tokyo, to practice for the strike. In January 1942 the Army surveyed the island for an 8,000-foot air strip and by January 24, 1942, Ecuador granted permission to proceed with essential construction. THE WANDERLING AND HIS UNCLE The air attack By cross-referencing the two, it is possible to identify who sank which submarines, with exact details of where and when. During and just prior to World War II the Japanese Navy used Magdalena Bay (Bahia Magdalena), 600 miles south of San Diego on the Baja penisula in Mexico, as a hiding place for submarines. Following one more attack off the coast near the community of Cambria on the 23rd the window begins to narrow a little on the central California coast with the majority of Japanese submarines operating further south and further north. If there were two submarines in the bay and one of them was the I-9, then again, as above, she escaped. See: THE WANDERLING AND HIS UNCLE They made six men, all with beards, of which my uncle was one, get off the train. Fujita flew southeast over the coast, dropping incendiary bombs on Mount Emily, 10 miles northeast of Brookings. The Japanese threw a total of 63 bombers escorted by 25 fighters against them. However, the canal, like the Star Wars Death Star, does have its weakness. It's a monster submarine.' Rumors she was found stemmed from several searches that year including one made by Peter Jensen, a Baja California shipwreck expert. ELDEN PUEBLO, WINNONA METEORITE Former sailor Bill Anderson thinks he knows. It's two feet longer than our destroyer was,' Anderson says. Although no specific individual date was given for such a bold and blatant attack against such a formidable adversary as Morro Rock, a fairly well guessed time frame of events can be narrowed down because there was only a certain open window of time when Japanese submarines were active along the the hundreds of miles of California coastline that included Morro Bay and Morro Rock, say between Cape Mendocino in the north for example to Point Arguello in the south. ", Land Where Time Stands Still, (1945) Max Miller That Texas Ranger was Van Zandt. The photograph below depicts the onetime modern interpretive dancer and choreographer Ruth St. Denis caught in motion of an impromptu dance on the sands of Morro Bay in 1916. Also in the mix, as covered much more extensively back in Footnote [3], was the virtually unknown albeit eventually infamous Japanese long range aircraft equipped ghost submarine, the I-12. On Monday morning July 16, 1945, the world was changed forever when the first atomic bomb was tested in an isolated area of the New Mexico desert. If Van Zandt, with the rank of Captain, was caught up in that reduction or resigned because of the reduction is not known). They took his truck, and although they left him to bleed out, thanks to some Native Americans who found him, he survived. They would then move it as quickly as possible across the channel inland to the center of downtown Los Angeles and detonate it. On Monday morning July 16, 1945, the world was changed forever when the first atomic bomb was tested in an isolated area of the New Mexico desert. Following one more attack off the coast near the community of Cambria on the 23rd the window begins to narrow a little on the central California coast with the majority of Japanese submarines operating further south and further north. For whatever reason, before they even departed the flotilla was reasigned to attack Ulithi Atoll in the South Pacific, where American aircraft carriers were known to be moored. A half a world away on the very same Christmas day of 1941 that the Absaroka was torpedoed by the I-19, found the quiet Christmas dinner of the pilots and ground crews of the Flying Tigers being interrupted, and as with the Absaroka, by the Japanese. According to Lt Cdr Shizuo Fukui of the Imperial Japanese Navy, the RO.35 was sunk in October 1943 in the Solomon Islands. But no record of the action was apparently kept, and it would have faded completely except for a reunion in 1993 of men who had been on board the Willard Keith. The squadron staff and pilots felt confident of striking their target and wrecking the huge gates at the locks, draining the lake and rendering the canal unusable. In the end it was either not pulled off or the mission ended in failure. Did the U.S. Navy Plan to Build Secret Submarine Bases? The question arises, if the sub that the Ardent and Rockford sank 100 miles WSW of Los Angeles (i.e., off the coast of Mexico), was not the I-12, what sub was it? According to Lt Cdr Shizuo Fukui of the Imperial Japanese Navy, the RO.35 was sunk in October 1943 in the Solomon Islands. DRAKE EQUATION AREA 51, GROOM LAKE, ROSWELL At 1232, ARDENT makes a sonar contact with a submarine ahead of the convoy. DRAKE EQUATION take place about dawn either New Year's Day or the following Sunday. Of those, the location of only one remained unknown, the RO.35, lost sometime during June 1942. USCG cutter ROCKFORD (PF-48) and minelayer USS ARDENT (AM-340) are escorting a six-ship convoy from Honolulu to the American mainland. Below, for your own edification, is a list of the other websites wherein I mention the 1945 U.S. New Mexico nuclear test at Trinity Site in some fashion, most commonly related back to my uncle and then how atomic bombs and atomic bomb tests, German or American, circle back to what I have presented elsewhere in my works: When the submarines left their base July 23, 1945, under new orders, each one departed separately, with a rendezvous set at sea for August 16th off Ponape Island, the Carolines. Most analysts say no. Former sailor Bill Anderson thinks he knows. Rufus Van Zandt was sworn in as a Texas Ranger in 1921, being promoted to rank of Captain in July of 1922. Dispatches from Galapagos Island state that an unidentified fleet of submarines were maneuvering near Cristobal Island on Thursday night. [4] The map below, from the March 2, 1942 issue of Life magazine tells the tale: USCG cutter ROCKFORD (PF-48) and minelayer USS ARDENT (AM-340) are escorting a six-ship convoy from Honolulu to the American mainland. How a house at top of a hill is thought to have been used as a secret Nazi base in the Canary Islands. "Anderson was an 18-year old sailor on board the destroyer USS Willard Keith on that gray spring morning in March of 1945. In a sense ending up not needing to develop or build a home grown nuclear device, simply using one of the United States' own devices to blow up one of it's own cities. It is reported that Max Miller, the author of Land Where Time Stands Still, had personally observed a Japanese submarine from a high spot above the bay himself after a short side trip to Puetro San Carlos, possibly during his 1941 journey through Baja California --- although he does not make reference to such a sighting by his own eyes in his book. The whole event was well documented and the location was precisely known, plus she went down in only 50 feet of water yet she was not refloated and was stricken from the registry. Secondly, the Magdalena Bay facilities, unlike the La Palma Secret Base, were transient. THE VAN ZANT PAPERS:JAPANESE BASE IN MEXICO What really happened to the I-12? Four days later, on March 24th, the repair ship USS Vestal AR-4 arrived and by March 26th had pulled the sub off the rocks and was headed toward San Diego only to have her sink 45 minutes later in some 50 feet of water when the tow line parted. Then, two days short of two months later, on February 23, 1942, the first in the series of submarine borne attacks against U.S. soil was set into motion. The squadron staff and pilots felt confident of striking their target and wrecking the huge gates at the locks, draining the lake and rendering the canal unusable. Marshals got on board and started going through each of the passenger cars looking for someone. Bill and some of his shipmates determined to try to find the submarine in her watery grave somewhere off the coast between Half Moon Bay and San Francisco." I wanted to know if he had any knowledge or information regarding Banta or Pima County deputy sheriff Charlie Shibell and any relation to Don Juan Matus my uncle spoke of --- and of which, if so, would or could prove that Don Juan Matus was a real person or not. 100 miles WSW of Los Angeles, California. In Footnote [5] of World War II Comes To Redondo and crediting the source, the following is found: If it was the I-12 they sank, then what sub continued to wreak havoc on Allied shipping in the mid-Pacific during December 1944 that the Japanese High Command reported as being the I-12? He approached a professor from the Imperial Fisheries Institute of Tokyo on world tour of fisheries for the Japanese government visiting Los Angeles about the possibility of large scale Japanese financing. A once-secret cave facility in Norway could be the next Arctic base for US Navy submarines, with final talks over a transfer of control over the base said to be underway. Fifteen seconds later, three distinct detonations are heard, followed four minutes later by numerous underwater explosions. During the Second World War many nations operated hidden submarine bases in remote locations around the world. See: The strike date was set for August 17th, but Japan surrendered on the 15th. The Japanese were interested in the Galapagos Islands and their strategic location relative to the Panama Canal at least as early as 1935, possibly before. They then circled back and did it again, dropping at least 50 bombs and then flew away. That Texas Ranger was Van Zandt. The interesting part to the whole story is that the Yaqui Indian Banta recruited from Yuma to help him apprehend the outlaw turned out to be, according to my Uncle, the father of one Don Juan Matus, who grew up to become famous in a series of books by Carlos Castaneda. The Japanese Midget Submarine was apparently offloaded from an armed merchant ship or commerce raider, with all fingers pointing to the Japanese transport ship Hakusan Maru, she being escorted at the time in the open seas south of the Aleutians by the Japanese submarine RO-64, both vessels operating out of the occupied island of Kiska, Alaska. In January 1942 the Army surveyed the island for an 8,000-foot air strip and by January 24, 1942, Ecuador granted permission to proceed with essential construction. It is my feeling she bypassed the bay and did so for three reasons. THE NAZI PLOT TO BLOW UP HOOVER DAM First against the Standard Oil Co. tanker H.M. Story off Point Arguello then that evening a torpedoing and shelling attack against the Atlantic-Richfield tanker Larry Doheny. Just for the record, for those of you who may be so interested, there is a little known incident that occurred in Sanderson, Texas circa mid-1920s that involved Van Zandt and the yet to be cowboy western author of over 100 books Louis L'Amour, the results of which show up in L'Amour's autobiography Education of a Wandering Man.
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