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Alles door scottyzj geplaatst

  1. I have crossed that hundreds of times. I swim there. Need to push a bow wave to keep a air pocket under hood. Stopped there & had a few cigerettes & beers before I entered to let it cool down. i recomemend anyone should have a wade sheet across front if a newbie. also extend diff & trans breathers before attemping.
  2. Hey guys. Sorry to bring back a old subject. But I finally got out to test the snorkel. http://www.aussiejeepimages.com/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=111132&g2_navId=x269cf1f6 I hope that link works so all will be explained about entry angles. The vid is off my phone but it shows how much water can be sent over the front. Cheers. Scotty.
  3. Thanks for the warm welcome guys. I need to improve my Dutch any way. We intend on getting up to that country of yours one day. When my daughter gets a little older & the money allows. Maybe some of you guys can take me out wheeling in your Jeeps? I have not told Grand Freedom yet, but I am going to come up there & steal his ZJ:P. We did not get the V8's in our ZJ's down here & I want to see how his V8 performs.... I hear you guys have some pretty good beer up there also?
  4. Yeah I agree Beest. We can buy anything off the shelf for a TJ or XJ down here. But our ZJ's did not get much after market stuff, & to import it from USA is very expencive. I am lucky I have been able to make alot of my own stuff. I have cut a few rears on mates XJ's to fit flares(not bushwacker) & I dont think I would like to chop into mine either. Dont really need to with my set up. The rims I have my mud tyres on poke out a little, but I have never been pulled over for it.(yet) Maybe when the law tells me to I might have to fit flares.
  5. Thanks mate. Just thought I had to show this car is not for show. Dont know if I will be able to post much here untill I learn some of your language. Grand Freedom will tell you the only real dutch word I know is " Heineken":D michel1972, I dont think have a outlet for bushwackers down here? Are you able to get them for a ZJ up there?
  6. Sorry my Dutch is very bad, I will have to typye it this way. Thank you, to my good friend 'Grand Freedom' I am going to try to defend my Jeep now. Of course we do not enter water as deep as the roof. The aproach angle can be very steep into water & it can put the front under water long enough to stop the motor. Also we have very bad dust down here so it helps to get the air intake as high as possible. The standard intake is in a bad position. it is not hard to fill it with water or dust. Our style of 4x4 is very different to other countries. Front bars & all those lights are needed for the wild life & for recoveries. I agree my Jeep will not please everyone. It is very practical in our conditions, I realise such modifications will not suit others. http://www.aussiejeepimages.com/index.php?option=com_gallery2&Itemid=28&g2_itemId=69359 I hope that link to some of my photos helps show this car gets used regularly & all the mods are on there for a reason not for show. Thanks for your input. Sorry once again for the poor Dutch. Scotty
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