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buiten-temperatuurmeter slaagt tilt

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Hallo Beste forum-jeepers.

Next problem, mijn temperatuurweergave in de dakconsole geeft soms "SC" aan en soms 46° en meer. En by the way, ik woon niet in Belgisch Congo.;)

Enfin, weet er iemand mischien waar er stront aan de knikker zit of waar ik het voelstaafje van de meter kan vinden??

Alvast bedankt en grtzss


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(1) Turn the ignition switch to the Off position.

Unplug the temperature sensor connector.


(2) Measure the resistance of the temperature sensor.

At -40°C (-40°F), the sensor resistance is 336

kilohms. At 55°C (140°F), the sensor resistance is

2.488 kilohms. The sensor resistance should read

between these two values. If OK, go to the Sensor

Circuit Test. If not OK, replace the faulty sensor.


(1) Turn the ignition switch to the Off position.

Disconnect and isolate the battery negative cable.

Unplug the temperature sensor connector and the

black 24-way BCM connector.

(2) Connect a jumper wire between the two terminals

in the body half of the sensor connector.

(3) Check for continuity between the sensor return

circuit and the ambient temperature sensor signal

circuit cavities of the BCM connector. There should

be continuity. If OK, go to Step 4. If not OK, repair

the open circuit as required.

(4) Remove the jumper wire from the temperature

sensor connector. Check for continuity between the

sensor return circuit cavity of the BCM connector

and a good ground. There should be no continuity. If

OK, go to Step 5. If not OK, repair the short circuit

as required.

(5) Check for continuity between the ambient temperature

sensor signal circuit cavity of the BCM connector

and a good ground. There should be no

continuity. If OK, see the Trip Computer/Compass/

Display Module diagnosis in this group. If not OK,

repair the short circuit as required.

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Je kunt ook een zelftest van de boordcomputer doen. Volgens de FSM ('94):


The self-diagnostic test is used to verify trip computer

electrical operation and that all bus messages

required are being received. This can be used to confirm

that the display and all of its segments are operating

properly. Initiate the self-diagnostic test as


(1) With the ignition switch in the OFF position simultaneously

press and hold the STEP button and

the US/METRIC button.

(2) Turn ignition switch to ON.

(3) Continue to hold both buttons until all segments

on the display light. The module is now in

self-diagnostic test. The test will:

(a) Display all segments

(:bye1: Check internal circuitry

© Check if all bus messages needed are being


(4) If tests (a) and (:yes: pass, the module will automatically

return to normal operation.

(5) If test (:D fails, the module will display ‘‘FAIL’’.

To return to normal operation press either button.

Replace module.

(6) If test © fails, the module is not receiving all

the bus messages required for operation. The failure

message on the display will be ‘‘CCD’’. Check CCD

bus for missing messages. Press either button to return

to normal operation.

Should any segment in any of the digit positions fail to light, the unit is defective and should be replaced.

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Het resultaat van de "Self diagnostic-test" was a)

Al segments displayed en terug in normale modus. Dus niets aan de hand met de boordcomputer denk ik.

Dan blijft het doormeten van de temperatuur-meter over zeker want de tepmperatuurweergave blijft SC weergeven (vraag me trouwens af wat die SC te betekenen heeft?)

Das iets voor morgen.

I'l keep you guys posted,



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Ik weet niet wat CCD betekend, maar hier is het hoofdstuk uit de FSM over de Console klik! (+/- 240KB)

Daar staan ook diagnose schema's in.

Als je de hele FSM nodig hebt, die staat onder andere hier: klik! (+/- 70MB)

In hoofdstuk 8W staan de schema's van de bekabeling.


Edit: zie nu pas dat je een '96 hebt. Mijn boek is voor '94. Misschien vind je hier (klik)meer info

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