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Temperatuur Probleem!!!

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AAAAAAARRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!! :thumbsup::wacko::wacko:

Als ik de binnenventilatie aanzet krijg ik alleen maar HETE lucht...of ik de airco nu wel of niet aanzet en de temperatuurinstelling extreem laag zet of wat dan ook: alleen maar hete lucht....

Wat kan dat zijn???

Welk type jeep ?

Klinkt als een klep in het kachelhuis dis vastzit of waarvan het motortje niets doet. Met de kachel bediening kun je de foutcodes uitlezen.

Ben even kwijt welke toetsencombinatie het is.

Deze ?


1. To enter the self-diagnostic mode, depress the a/c and recirc buttons at the same time and hold. Rotate the left temperature control knob clockwise (CW) one detent.

2. If you continue to keep the a/c and recirc buttons depressed, the AZC control module will perform a Segment Test of the Vacuum Fluorescent (VF) display. In the Segment Test you should see all of the display segments illuminate as long as both buttons are held. If a display segment fails to illuminate, the vacuum fluorescent display is faulty and the a/c heater control must be replaced.

3. After viewing the Segment Test, release the A/C and Recirc buttons and the display will clear momentarily. If there are no fault codes, the “00” display value will remain in the VF window. Should there be any codes, each will be displayed for one second in ascending numerical sequence (note: no effort is made to display faults in the order they occurred). The left side set temperature display will be blanked and the right side set temperature display will indicate current and historical codes (8 historical max) presently active.

Once all codes have been displayed, the system will repeat the fault code numbers. This will continue until the left side set temperature control is moved at least one detent position in either direction, by pressing both the A/C and Recirc buttons at the same time, or the ignition is turned off. Record all of the fault codes, then see the Current and Historical Fault Code charts below for the descriptions.


33 = IR thermister circuit was open

34 = IR thermister circuit was shorted

35 = Fan pot was shorted

36 = Fan pot was open

37 = Mode pot was shorted

38 = Mode pot was open

39 = IR sensor delta was too large

40 = Reserved

41 = Reserved

42 = One of four motor drivers had drive 9A9 shorted to ground

43 = Engine air intake temperature bus message missing

44 = Country code buss message missing

45 = Mode motor was not responding

46 = AI (Recirc) motor was not responding

47 = Left temperature door was not responding

48 = Right temperature door was not responding

49 = Mode door travel range too small

50 = Mode door travel range too large

51 = AI (Recirc) door travel range too small

52 = AI (Recirc) door travel range too large

53 = Left temperature door travel too small

54 = Left temperature door travel too large

55 = Right temperature door travel too small

56 = Right temperature door travel too large

57 = Calibration check sum error

58 = Engine coolant temp bus message missing

59 = Vehicle speed bus message missing

60 = Engine RPM bus message missing

61 = OAT bus message missing

62 = Display intensity bus message missing

63 = VIN number bus message missing

64 = Raw OAT bus message was missing

65 = Reserved

66 = Reserved

67 = Reserved

Met dank aan Beest ;)

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bijna, die is voor de WJ

komt wel zo ongeveer overeen


deze is voor de ZJ

The diagnostic function of the ATC/AZC system is lost when the vehicle's battery is disconnected. If you are going to disconnect the battery, first perform these diagnostic procedures.

1. Some Grand Cherokee models are equipped with automatic heating and air conditioning systems. 1998 and earlier models are equipped with Automatic Temperature Control systems and the 1999 and later models are equipped with the Automatic Zone Control system. In either case, these systems include a digital display on the dash panel. This system incorporates an on-board diagnostic function capable of troubleshooting input and output circuits and indicating both current and historical faults. Historical faults are those circuits which have had a problem in the past but are currently working. Many historical faults are the result of loose wiring connectors or connectors that have been disturbed by other repair work.

2. The same portion of the display that incidates the temperature acts as a test indicator to show fault codes.

3. If there is trouble in the ATC/AZC system, an "ER" message will display on the indicator once during an ignition cycle.

4. To access the fault codes, depress the AC and RECIRC buttons at the same time and hold them in while you rotate the temperature knob one click clockwise. Note: On 1999 and later models rotate the left temperature control knob one click clockwise. The complete display wil light up (the segment test). If any of the lighted segments of the flourescent vacuum tubes fail to illuminate, the ATC/AZC control panel is faulty and should be replaced.

5. After the segment test is performed release the buttons. On 1999 and later models, the display will clear momentarily and automatically begin displaying any stored trouble codes. If no trouble codes are stored a "0" will be displayed.

6. On 1998 and earlier models, "00" will show on the display (select test level). Now push either the AC or RECIRC buttons and the "stickman" figure will appear, indicating the Fault Code Mode. Fault codes from 1 to 64 will appear if there are codes in memory. Record these codes and compare them to the chart to find the areas requiring further diagnosis.

7. If Fault Code 25 or 29 appears, the ATC/AZC control module itself must be replaced before any further testing is done. Current fault codes are cleard whenever the problem is solved or goes away. To cleare historical faults, hold the AC or RECIRC button for 3 seconds. The faults have cleared when two horizontal bars appear in the display or they do not appear after several ON/OFF cycles of the ignition key.

8. The ATC/AZC diagnostic system is quite complicated and is capable of displaying data to check both input and output circuitry. Houwver, if you can't find the problem through the basic Fault Code information, take the vehicle to a dealer service department for further testing.


On-board diagnostic chart - 1998 and earlier

Automatic Temperature Control

Current Fault Codes:

Fault Code ------ Description ----------------------Problem Area

00 ........ no faults........................................Norm al Operation

01......... circuit open....................................In-vehicle Temperature Sensor

02......... circuit open....................................Solar Sensor Input Circuit

03......... circuit open....................................Front Panel Blower/Fan Control Input

04......... circuit open....................................Front Panel Mode Control Input

05......... circuit open....................................Blend Air Door Feedback Circuit

06......... circuit open....................................Mode Door Feedback Circuit

07……….. feedback too high...........................Blower/Fan Feedback Circuit

08..........circuit shorted................................In-vehicle Temperature Sensor

09......... circuit shorted................................Solar Sensor Input Circuit

10......... circuit shorted................................Front Panel Blower/Fan Control Input

11......... circuit shorted................................Front Panel Mode Control Input

12......... circuit shorted............................... Blend Air Door Feedback Circuit Input

13......... circuit shorted............................... Mode Door Feedback Circuit

14......... feedback too low............................ Blower/Fan Feedback Circuit

15......... door not responding....................... Mode Door Feedback Circuit

16......... door not responding........................Blend Air Door Actuator Drive Circuit

17......... door travel range too small...............Mode Door Feedback Circuit

18......... door travel range too large…............Mode Door Feedback Circuit

19......... door travel range too small..............Blend Air Door Actuator Drive Circuit

20......... door travel range too large..............Blend Air Door Actuator Drive Circuit

21......... calibration data error......................Calibration and CPU Data

22......... BCM message missing……………..….....Collision Detection C2D BUS Inputs

23......... PCM message missing.....................Collision Detection C2D BUS Inputs

24......... CPU error......................................Calibra tion and CPU Data




Historical Fault Codes:

28………….circuit was open……………………………….in-vehicle temperature sensor

29………….circuit was open……………………………….Solar Sensor Input Circuit

30………….circuit was open……………………………….Front Panel Blower/Fan Control Input

31………….circuit was open……………………………….Front Panel Mode Control Input

32......... circuit was open.............................Blend Air Door Feedback Circuit

33......... circuit was open.............................Mode Door Feedback Circuit

34......... feedback was too high....................Blower/Fan Feedback Circuit

35......... circuit was shorted.........................In-vehicle Temperature Sensor

36......... circuit was shorted.........................Solar Sensor Input Circuit

37......... circuit was shorted..........................Front Panel Blower/Fan Control Input

38......... circuit was shorted..........................Front Panel Mode Control Input

39......... circuit was shorted..........................Blend Air Door Feedback Circuit

40......... circuit was shorted..........................Mode Door Feedback Circuit

41......... feedback was too low......................Blower/Fan Feedback Circuit

42......... door was not responding..................Mode Door Feedback Circuit

43......... door was not responding..................Blend Air Door Actuator Drive Circuit

44......... door range travel was too small…......Mode Door Feedback Circuit

45......... door range travel was too large.........Mode Door Feedback Circuit

46......... door range travel was too small.........Blend Air Door Actuator Drive Circuit

47......... door range travel was too large.........Blend Air Door Actuator Drive Circuit

48......... calibration data was in error.............Calibration and CPU Data

49......... BCM message was missing……………....Collision Detection C2D BUS Inputs

50......... PCM message was missing………………..Collision Detection C2D BUS Inputs

51......... CPU was in error.............................Calibration and CPU Data




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